Thursday, April 24, 2008

More New Babies on the Farm!!

We noticed last night that Grace's udder was a lot larger. She was kind of stand offish today. I looked out this afternoon and all the other sheep and lambs were out but her. That is really unusual. I waited awhile and looked again and she was still not to be seen, so I went out to check. She was not in the pasture that I could see and she was not in the shed either. I turned off the fence and went into the pasture. She was around the corner of the shed and she had just had 2 babies. They are both very dark. Grace is my skittish ewe. She was cleaning off her babies and she was eyeing me. I stood a bit a ways and just watched her. Michael came home in the meantime and I asked him to bring the camera out. He brought it out and came into the pasture with me. I slowly walked over to her and let her sniff me and then I picked up the babies one by one and I believe they are both girls. I was trying to be very quick and to get out of there, because I did not want to stress her. We will check again tonight or tomorrow. If they are girls, then we have gotten 5 ewes and 1 ram this year.
Ginny came for a visit today. She got to hold one of the baby lambs. There is a picture of her cuddling with Pepper here.
Here is Clover my heifer calf. I still believe she is a Jersey, not a Holstein. People argue with me though. She was bred to a Jersey and her spots are really dark brown. Plus, she is no taller than the 2 Jersey steers she is in with. I believe if she was a Holstein that she would be bigger. =)

Here are 2 of the trees out by the chicken coop. They are so beautiful.

My bleeding heart is starting to bloom.

Look Pat!!!! This is a mullein plant. I have been wanting one (they are weeds around this area) and this just showed up over by my grapes!! I am excited. The mullein has many beneficial health properties.

This is one of my wee violets. I was seeing how close up I could get.

Here is the peach tree.

These are wee little buds on my baby lilac bush. I can't wait for them to open.

Here are some more violets.

I am so excited about my wisteria. It takes it several years to bloom. Two years ago it got a handful of huge buds. Then we got a heavy frost and it killed the buds. Last year when it was just coming out we got several freezes and even though it lived, it never even produced a bud. This year it is covered in buds.

I am sure you get tired of my farm tours. I never seem to tire of walking around checking on things. =)


heatherdmc said...

I never get tired of walking around and seeing things at our place either. We have made a trail around the whole perimeter and I try and walk it everyday. It is amazing what changes every day!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the on-site tour today. Thanks! I guess I just missed Grace's big event...

I posted the picture of me and Pepper. :-D

Kelly said...

The new babies are beautiful! I am glad for your farm tours. Especially since I haven't a farm of my own. I appreciate you sharing yours so I can look at what I hope to have one day.

Pearl said...

I love your farm tours. I hope you have a great weekend!