Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Today is a bittersweet day for me. I really should have used Joshua's birthday as my blessing for the day, but chose not to. Partly because it is bittersweet for me. The sweet part is that he is celebrating his 24th birthday today. The bitter or should I just say sort of sad part is that this will be his last birthday at home with us. He is getting married in October to a wonderful young lady whom we love. Yet, our nest will be empty unless God decides to give us more. Joshua is my gift from God. I gave up my right to children and God in His infinite love gave me this precious baby boy.
Happy Birthday Joshua. You are so loved!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I remember that third picture! ;-)

Happy Birthday, Juh-SHOO-uh!


The Sisters said...

Happy Birthday to your Son, Marci!

Anonymous said...


Have a happy, happy birthday, we love you.....

The Neighbors

Sharri said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!
Hope you had a great one!


LadySnow said...

Happy Belated Birthday Josh!

Perri said...

Bittersweet indeed. So hard to watch them grow up but the alternative.....

Love the trike picture.