Twenty-four years ago on this day, I got a phone call that changed my life. Let me back up a bit to twenty- four years ago on the 21st of this month. I got a phone call telling me that my son had been born. Oh, I was trying to protect my heart. He was not mine yet. We had to wait 72 hours for his birth mother to sign papers. Then at 4:27 PM on this day we got a call from our lawyer. Her first words were... "He's Yours!!!!" You have already guessed this, but I am sitting here crying while writing this. So what's new? I was handed a very precious 3 day old baby boy who I had already bonded with in my heart. I was a Mom!!! That year was my first Mother's Day that I didn't want to hide and not go to church where all the moms were asked to stand up. I would be able to stand with them this year. All through Joshua's life even after hard battles when he was older, I always try to remember to tell him this... "You will never do anything that will make me stop loving you. I love you so much and you are my gift from God." Thank you God for these last twenty-four years of blessing.
He now owns his own contracting/remodeling business and does very well. He got an early start.

In this picture he is not happy, but TOO bad, I was going to take this picture. He is being held by his Great-Great-Great-Aunt Edna. She is my Dad's Great-Aunt.

Here he is dancing with his Great-Great-Aunt Flo. He was one of her favorites and she was one of his. She did not have grandchildren and I believe she adopted Joshua as hers. She is probably around 98 years old in this picture. She lived to be 102.

We worked with the college kids at church. We had a handful that hung out at our house a lot. One of them was into dressing up. Joshua tried to emulate him.

Here he is with Jacob, his cousin. Those two were so ornery together, but oh they had fun. I had painted them matching shirts.
Here he is with his future brother-in-law. They are playing games at the table. This is Boaz. He really likes Joshua and likes to be close to him.
This is a picture of Joshua and his beloved right after Joshua asked her to marry him. That is another one of her brothers, Brasen.
Here is Brittany, his beloved. This is their official betrothal picture. This is the one going in the papers. Joshua is an only child, but Brittany is one of 8. Her mother is pregnant with number 9 and due 4 days before the wedding. =)

Joshua, you are not the child of my womb, but you are the child of my heart and no one was ever loved more than you were or are. I love you!!!!
You write very eloquently and tenderly about Joshua. You write of the blessing that Joshua is to you... I am struck by the blessing that you are to Joshua. Great pictures!
I remember both times when we got that call. Every time I go to Target and pass the spot I was standing in for one of them, I get all happy inside.
I love that cowboy picture. :-D
What blessing for Joshua to have such a sweet wonderful Mother!!
What a nice tribute to Joshua! It made me teary too! I am so happy you are about to be blessed with a daughter (-in-law). I hope you are also blessed with MANY grandchildren in the near future. You will be such a wonderful grandmother.
I meant to comment to your anniversary posting a while back, but like usual, someone needed a diaper change or a band-aid or something and I never got to it. I loved the pictures. It was a sweet entry. I'm looking forward to that many years and more with my own dear husband.
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