Today, I am really missing my Mom. It is still so unbelievable that she won't be back in this life. That I can't pick up the phone and talk to her. That I won't feel her soft skin. In the physical realm, death is so permanent. I was just thinking about something while I was washing up some dishes. I had a strong urge to call her up. Then I end up letting tears fall into my dishwater. I have these moments and God is faithful to pour in His grace to walk me through them. I am thankful that I had a great Mom. I am thankful that she loved the Lord and I WILL see her again one day. I am thankful that I got to talk to her for an hour the day before she died. I am thankful that I got the bacterial meningitis last August, as she was here every day for almost a week to help care for me. That is the last time I saw her alive.
I preach this really often now, but I cannot tell you enough times.... Call your Mom, Dad, loved ones. Tell them you love them. Get that recipe that is only in their head that you have always meant to get. Ask those questions about family history that will be lost when they go on. Take the time to mend the wrongs. Tell them why they are special to you. If they are on your nerves a bit, remember, that I would do almost anything for my Mom to bug me right now. You will honestly miss that.
I will try and be more upbeat in my next entry. I just wanted to share my heart.
The first picture above is my parents arriving at their 50th wedding anniversary party. I love this picture because it really shows their relationship. They were in love, loved one another and enjoyed being together.
The second picture is my son Joshua and my Mom. That was taken at least 7 years ago, probably more like 9 years ago.
The last picture is my Mom opening up the clock my Dad got her for their 50th. This is "My Mom". This is her how she was in every day life. I love how she seems to look right at me.
yes I combined the picture. i have the picca photo program , which is free from google and you can do a lot of things, like crop pictures, improve the picture and make colleges. that was one. if you are interested go to google and click more and download the piccia program. you will like it. you also can post on your blog from this site.
that program is picsas. i can't spell kat even.
What a wonderful tribute to your Mom. Means a lot to me, as today my Dad turned 79. I wish we didn't live so far away from them, but that is the way it is. I try to call at least every other day, just to keep in touch. You are right -- how important it is to overlook the frustrating things and just love them. I will really miss my parents when something happens to them.
Oh Marci I'm crying too! The ache in your heart is so visible. I know there is nothing any of us can do but love & pray for you. I dread what you speak of so much that I fear to name it! Today will be better but of course another moment will come just like yesterday when the hurt is unbearable. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. Romans 8:26&27 Comfort to you today Marci, comfort!
Dear Marci, As I read your post,tears came to my eyes. How I wanted to see MY Mother. She passed away in 1983 and there is not a day goes by that I do not think of her. Knowing that I will see her again someday eases the pain somewhat. What a blessed day that will be.
What a beautiful post. I got tears in my eyes while reading it. You give good advice - once our loved ones are gone we can't regain what we have lost.
my dear friend, you will always miss your mom. I do mine, still after 20 years. Its just the pain lessens somehow, there is less hurt and more just plain missing them. I understand just how you feel.
What a wonderful gift that God allowed you to have. The presence of a wonderful mother for a time.
With time the pain lessens, hang in there and image how happy she is!
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