Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fall Craft Day

People look at me weird if I tell them I was coloring or having an arts and crafts day by myself. So, I invite children over to play with me!! =) Today, 2 moms and their children came as did Ginny. We made fall leaves, pumpkins, cards, pictures to hang up, apple baskets, cornucopias and scarecrows. Wish you could have joined us!!


Peggy said...

what fun!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me, darling! I had SOOOO much fun! I LOVE to color. Ron liked the picture I made so much, he wanted me to keep it and hang it on our wall. LOL! Thanks, also, for the stuff you donated for aiding me in entertaining guest children.
;-) I'm already planning a secret craft session. heehee

LadySnow said...

Looks like a wonderful day to me! :D

HsKubes said...

Ooh, how fun! Wish I could have been there, too. ;o)

~ Christina

Kelli said...

That is wonderful, Marci! It looks like everyone had a great time and made some fun projects!