I forgot how much work a puppy can be. She is worth it, but you have to be on your toes to do house training. It seems at the worst possible moments she has to go. So out the door you go with her. It has gotten me outside more and that is a good thing.
I have been doing lots of thinking lately. Thinking about what makes certain people tick, thinking about where I see us 5 years from now, etc. I love nature. I think God truly speaks to us often through nature if we take the time to listen. I was taking the puppy out earlier this week and I was in one of those thinking moods. I took her across the driveway and I saw this sunflower. It is all by itself, just standing in the pasture. It must have been planted by the birds.
I have been doing lots of thinking lately. Thinking about what makes certain people tick, thinking about where I see us 5 years from now, etc. I love nature. I think God truly speaks to us often through nature if we take the time to listen. I was taking the puppy out earlier this week and I was in one of those thinking moods. I took her across the driveway and I saw this sunflower. It is all by itself, just standing in the pasture. It must have been planted by the birds.
I have also been told by many people that my spiritual gift is exhortation. I see things too often as black or white. Gray is a scary place for me. There are many people that do not like that about me. It can be a lonely place sometimes.
Anyway, my thoughts on the sunflower started out like the thoughts above. How too many times, I feel all alone in this or that. I was ready to make it a symbol of who I am. Then I got that gentle reminder from a loving Heavenly Father. "I allowed that sunflower to be planted there. I caused it to grow and flourish. It is not whining or feeling all alone. It is praising Me with all that it has!!" God allowed me to be right where I am. God allowed us to have a smaller family. He has caused us to grow and flourish where we are. I need to stand here and praise Him with all that I am. Why do I lose sight of that? I think it is because my focus is on my dreams and desires. I need to make Him my focus. Just like that sunflower face, follows the sun. I need to set my face to follow THE SON!!!
Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
I need to worry about the first part of that verse. If I do that, then God will shape my desires to His will and they will be fulfilled.
The peaches are looking good. This tree has lots of issues with yucky stuff. There are a few good peaches on it though.
I actually tasted a few grapes that day as well. Some of the appear to be ripe and ready. This is really early for that.
I finally figure out that the 2 trees with apples are the Jonathan and the Golden Delicious. I hope to get enough to make apple sauce this year.
The puppy is growing. She gives Star a run for her money, but it has also given Star a new heart to play.
She is so tiny that she hardly makes any sounds as she moves around our house. I have almost stepped on her several times. So, the Wonderful Neighbors had a jingle bell they let us have. I put it on her collar. Her new nickname is Stinker Bell. :)
1 comment:
I do understand where you're coming from. I wanted more children, but God's plan was to bless me with one. I am pleased. My desire is to remain in His Will and that my desires be molded to His desires.
I can't resist that face either. :)
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