Friday, March 07, 2008

Yes, We Have Even MORE Snow!!!

These pictures I post probably all look the same to you. I usually just open a door and take pictures from there. =) I guess I could go out and walk around and take some pictures. We had no snow on the ground this morning. About an hour ago it began to snow. If we get all the max amounts they are saying we will, by tomorrow night we will have 17 inches of snow. I have never seen it snow that much at one time here in Ohio, but if it is going to snow, I say bring my men home safe and let's have LOTS of it. =)

These pictures do not even do it justice. Looking out the back window here in the office, it is like a white out. If you click on the pictures and make them larger, you can see it a bit better. These were just taken at around 11AM. I will take more later if we get a lot more.


VoiceInTheWilderness said...

Absolutely beautiful! I have friends driving up to Cincinnati today for a doctor's appointment. I wonder if there's that much snow there?

Anonymous said...

Good pictures! It shows the snow better than mine. :-D

LadySnow said...

Isn't the snow lovely?! But I am with you...let our "men" get home safely first. I do remember when I first moved to Ohio there being over a foot of snow in a week. There was a "state of emergency" and we hardly went to school the entire month of February!