Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I want to be sure that I paint an honest picture of myself. I received a lovely gift this week from someone. Some of the things they told me really make me wonder if I paint a real picture of who I am. I hope I never give anyone the idea that I have arrived or that I am even close to arriving. I am striving to be what the Lord has called me to be.... a faithful daughter to Him, a faithful wife to Michael, a faithful mother to Joshua and soon to be Brittany, a faithful friend, a keeper of my home, etc. I am on the journey. I do wander from the path and He gently leads me back. I do struggle to have the right attitudes and to submit to my husband with joy. I look around at my house and what needs to be done, I look at myself and what needs to be done and I wonder if the Lord will ever finish here. I can point out the holes that I have stepped in and make a stepping stone for you to avoid them. I can share the lessons the Lord has taught me, the changes He has made in me. Please know that I am far from perfect. I can honestly say that the real changes in me have truly come from Him. One day, I reacted in the correct way instead of the usual way. I realized that something outside (or should I say inside) myself caused that reaction. I had nothing to do with it. May He continue His work in me. Thank you Kim for your kind words. I point them upward.... any good in me came from Him!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, thank you for clarifying. I was wondering... ;-)

Patty said...

Marci, you are always humble. We all are walking the path with twists and turns.

Peggy said...

You may stumble but you inspire us to be all God intended us to be. Thank you.

LadySnow said...

Oh Marci...we know you are not "perfect", because if you were...God may take you like Enoch and then we wouldn't have the pleasure in knowing you. :) Our imperfections may cause us struggles and strife, but they also make our lives more interesting. :D Oh..and thank you for being there to point out the holes for those of us who come behind. ;)