Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Very Sad Day On The Farm

We don't know what happened, but we are very sad. Dixie, our pup, was out playing this evening with the other dogs. She was having fun and running and jumping. Michael saw her laying in the driveway. She made a pathetic whine and then quit breathing. Our little Dixie Darlin' is dead. We know you are not supposed to get attached too much to animals, but we love our dogs and they are like part of our family. She had the cutest personality. She was not even 1 year old yet.


LadySnow said...

Oh Marci! I am so sorry. I know how dogs can become a big part of your life. I actually lost my dog when I was in high school too(he appeared to be perfectly fine as well.) ((((HUGS))))

Anonymous said...

I understand. :-(

Anonymous said...

You and your family must be overwhelmed with grief right now. This is such a shock. I am so sorry for your loss. I've enjoyed so much your posts about Dixie ever since you got her as a puppy. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. God bless you and comfort you in your sorrow.

Kelli said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Marci! I remember when you got Dixie. I will be praying for you during this sad time.

Reviekat said...

Oh Marci, we are so sorry. It's never easy to loose a pet. We'll be praying for you and we send you a big hug.

Revee, Ginger, and Gracelyn

Lynn Bartlett said...

I feel so badly for you. We've lost our share of animals, but if we ever lose our German Shepherd, it will really be tough. Love, Lynn

Sharri said...

Oh Marci. I was shocked and saddened to hear about Dixie. My heart is grieving with you friend!

Leah Spencer said...

Oh no... I'm stunned. I loved the blog posts with the dogs in them. I could just cry for you... :(

Teresa said...

I can't even express just how sorry I am about Dixie. I know you loved her so very much and you were a good "mama" to her.

Anonymous said...

So sorry.

Anonymous said...

Marci, I am truly so very sorry. I know how hard it is. When we lost our beloved Zeke two years ago our hearts were broken and he was an old dog. I cannot imagine the shock of losing a puppy.
Prayers for comfort will be said for you and your family.


Pearl said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Marci! I will be praying for you during this sad time. Kim

Anonymous said...

Marci I'm so sorry to hear about Dixie..How can you not love something like Dixie she is so cute..
In our prayers Hugs
Blessings Sister Brenda

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Dixie!

Anonymous said...

Marci, I have been reading your blogs for several months now, and I enjoy them very much! Thank You! I'm sorry for your loss...My first thought was your post (a couple of posts back) about Star acting strange, and being very clingy...and I can't help but wonder if she knew something was going on with Star, and she couldn't quite get her point across. Just a thought, you would be surprised at the things dogs can sense.


ChickenMama said...

I'm so sad for you! You have my sympathies. Dogs have a way of wiggling into our hearts.