Friday, August 10, 2007

Show And Tell Friday

Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

This hangs over my piano. It was a Christmas gift from my brother Mark and his wife. The sheet music is Amazing Grace. The name of our farm is Amazing Graze. Also, I attempted and plan on continuing to attempt to learn to play the fiddle.


Anonymous said...

That is nice. I didn't know that was from Mark. Keep up with your fiddle.

Tracy said...

Graet name for your farm! I wish that I could play ANY instrument!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for your farm! Now when you learn to play that fiddle you'll have to share a video with us :)

Anonymous said...

Now that is a wonderfully thought out gift! Very clever farm name also!!

In answer to your question on my hydrangea post - it is the progression of color. They start off at the lighter color and go to the deeper color as they reach the end of their blooming!

Pen of Jen said...

I love the name for your farm!

When I was a kid, our farm was called Rocky Meadows farm!!(lots of rocks but lots of neat stuff too!)

I agree with ellen b. and I am awaiting the video.

I love that you grow as much as you can for you. We too are trying to do the same on a smaller scale!

Anonymous said...

Just came across your neat little blog. Thanks for sharing.

Susan said...

How lovely and how very appropriate.

Susan said...

Marci - In response to your comment on my Show & Tell. The opening is like an acordion and spreads out the wideth of the bag. When it is shut the top lid snaps and hold it in place.

Sharon said...

That is beautiful! I think it's great that you are learning the fiddle.

My daughter plays in a bluegrass-Gospel group. She plays the lap dulcimer, banjo, guitar, mandolin, and is learning the fiddle, too! If she could, she'd play music 24 hours a day.
:-) It is truly a gift from God. I can only play very little on the piano. My left hand doesn't know what my right hand is doing.

LadySnow said...

Sounds great Marci...hey...I know...We should have you and Miss Ginny over sometime for a "crafting" afternoon. Where you could either sew, knit, crochet, etc. That would be so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I had no idea you wanted to move to Knoxville. Where are you now?

Unknown said...

How lovely! I am so awed that you farm is named "Amazing Grace"!

Lori said...

What a neat picture and name for you farm.

Lady of the house said...

What a thoughtful gift. Imagine how nice it will be to play the fiddle someday!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful and special in so many different ways.

retha said...

I admire you for learning to play a new instrument!
So thoughtful of your brother!

Kim said...

I love the name of your farm. The picture is lovely. Missed your blog while I was gone. Thanks for sharing.

Carole Burant said...

I can see why the picture would mean so much to's beautiful! Love the name of your farm!! xox

Kelli said...

Such a beautiful picture, Marci! I love the name of your farm too!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture and it really makes it special because it comes from someone special.

Thanks for sharing,

Mine is up.

::Mars:: said...

That is a lovely photo! My sister and I are learning the violin, so I love it!

Lynne said...

Love the name Amazing Graze for a farm. Beautiful picture.

Sandra said...

Hi Marci, What a lovely gift and a keepsake.

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting. Don't give up on the Fiddle playing!!! Mica

also found at

Unknown said...

Love it, Marci. Thank you for dropping my blog, The Trad Pad. Love the picture. The movie, Amazing Grace, recently opened in Australia and I was there the very first night! It has such magnificent words and I am sure such the picture is a great aid to prayer.

Blessings and bliss TN said...

Love the picture, Marci. Keep on with the fiddle!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture! Amazing Grace is one of my favorite hymns also ..when I'm fiddling around...

Gina E. said...

Hi Marci,
Thanks for dropping by Patra's Other Place and admiring my art deco ornament. I love your painting - it has special meaning to me because I am a great fan of the Dutch violinist Andre Rieu. Have you seen him? I believe he is becoming very popular in the States now.

Paula said...

I've always wanted to learn the fiddle, as well. Keep'll get it one day! Lovely picture, too.

HsKubes said...

What a sweet and personal gift. ;o)

~ Christina

Lallee said...

All the personal inferences in this picture is wonderful. And it's beautiful, too. What a treasure!