Pat over at Morning Ramble gave me this award. Thank you Pat, I appreciate you thinking of me. Pat is the proud NEW Grandma of 2 precious Granddaughters.
I am to pass this award on to others. Here is who I give this award to:
Melanie is a very nice person. One of the nicest things I like about her is something in real life, not cyberland. She shares her babies with me. Even when they are brand new. She is doing a great job as a young mother of 3 little ones.
Clara is another sweetheart. She has helped me so many times. An afghan that my Mom made for me was falling apart and she fixed it for me. She loves her family and those Grandsons. She truly gives of herself.
Ginny is also a very nice person. She taught me how to spin. She shares garden produce with me and helps me with many different things. She has been a real life friend for over 10 years.
Tina is a very nice person. She has given me lots of encouragement. I love seeing all the wonderful pictures she takes and puts on her blog. She lives on a pecan farm in Georgia.
Thank You Marci....just what I need today. I've been in the bed for two days with a fever of 103. I;m feeling a little better today, but I still can't stay on my feet. That was so sweet of you to give me the award! Clara
Awe Marci...you are so sweet...thank you for the award!
Me? Nice? Aw, come on... :-D Thanks, darling!
Marci, It's because you ARE a nice person! :) Congrats!
I got one of those awards recently too!
I love the pictures in the previous post! Beautiful cows and dogs, and George too!!
Congratulations on your well deserved award, Marci! I think you are very nice. :0)
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