Tuesday, August 14, 2007

George Has Emerged!!!

I was walking through my kitchen and happened to glance up on top of the fridge and there was George out of his chrysallis, hanging from the top of the jar. I took him outside and got him to crawl up on the stick I had in the jar. I put him on my wreath on the front door. Here are some pictures of him. These pictures made me realize I need to clean off my wreath. =) The last picture is what the chrysallis now looks like. Good bye George!!!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful!
When you have a second, stop by my blog and learn "30 things about SouthernBell." Some are funny -- some not so much. http://blogs.knoxnews.com/knx/southern/

Pearl said...

I got teary eyed when I read about George. What a wonderful testament of the Lords goodness....a new butterfly.

LadySnow said...

George is beautiful! Isn't God's creation wonderful? Hope you can come next time. :D

Anonymous said...

That is so amazing! Praise the Lord!

Patricia said...

We hatched butterflys too! Marci... how do you know it's a male butterfly?? ;)

Marci said...

Patricia.... Ummmm..... Well.... I don't know. I just call them all George. It is easy to remember.

Lallee said...

Oh how absolutely delightful!!!!

Tina Leigh said...

Marci that is to cotton pickin cool!!! I love that! How pretty! Now there was a package waiting for me when I got home yesterday! I had to wrok in the ER (which I hate & it is very stressful for me). A laugh & a word of encouragement is just what I needed! Now that is how Holy Spirit works....HE puts people on the minds of others & promps them to send HIS love! What a blessing you are! THANK YOU!!!

Tina Leigh said...

So I cant spell today...you know what I mean! LOL

Anonymous said...

Welcome George!!!
What a great thing for your kids to be a part of.