Thursday, September 11, 2008

God's Provision!!

I have finally collected enough tomatoes to can. We picked most of these last night. There are still lots more tomatoes out there, especially cherry tomatoes. We also got quite a few green peppers and some jalapenos.

I picked this stem of cherry tomatoes. They look so good. We eat them like candy.

Michael found this stem of tiny roma type tomatoes. I am not sure why they are so small.

And I found this tomato with a very long nose. =)

Now, I need to get busy and process this bounty!!!!

**I got 17 quarts of tomatoes, but one busted in the canner. =( We picked green beans tonight and a peck of cherry tomatoes.** Added in....


Sharri said...

Wow! You've got a buncha work to do now don'tcha??

It looks great!

Anonymous said...

The small roma's are probably because of the drought, but they look really good.

And that nose... Wow! ;-)

D said...

what a beautiful garden you must have!

Elizabeth said...

That's funny, we picked a tomato excatly like the one on the bottom from our garden too.

stacy said...

what beautiful tomatoes! mine were hit with a blight this year so our harvest was quite small. :o(

i'm planning on rotating my beds...any other suggestions to beat the blight?

enjoy your harvest!

Theresa said...

Wow! These look so YUMMY!

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

They look great!

We were doing really good with our tomato plants until my Turkeys found

Now my turkeys are gone and we are getting a few here still yet.

Dora Renee' Wilkerson

TnFullQuiver said...

Your harvest is beautiful! Some of our Romas were smaller than usual. Our early romas where normal size, but the later ones were the small ones.
grace and peace,

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I love this time of the year with all the produce but it seems like it's hard to find the time to get it all done too!