Our cats keep moving their babies around. We have 2 barn cats and they both have kittens. They steal each others babies and when they know we have found the kittens they move them again. We try to keep tabs on where they are, so that we can handle them and get them used to people.
This morning, my husband found one kitten behind a board leaning up against the wall in the goatshed. He told me about his discovery. I went out to milk later and there were 2 kittens behind the board. Later in the day, I heard a kitten crying outside the window in the office where I was sitting working on my Bible study. I looked and there went one of the momma cats with one in her mouth and she was headed for the goatshed. We had watched her put her kittens on the south side of our house, up against the foundation. Right after supper, I was out on our storage porch and heard a kitten crying outside the window in that room, which is on the south side. So as we went back to milk this evening, my husband went to see if there was still a kitten over against that side of the house. It has rained off and on for a few days and been a bit on the chilly side today. The first picture shows you what he found. Obviously the momma cat shown in the third picture either didn't want to claim these 3 or she knew they were not hers. They were cold and wet. We put them all together in the straw.
Michael went out again before we got ready for bed. He was going to bring in the kittens if they were still cold and wet. He said they were all in a pile together nursing off of one momma. So, he left them out there. He is such a softy!!! =)
The last picture is of my baby ewe lamb (who is growing quickly), whose name is Grace. I love the color of her wool. I had another sheep named Grace that was much darker and had a black face. I try and breed for creams and browns. I may try for a bit different color this next year.
You wrote me some time ago about my paintings. Now I show them in my photo blog keyhole pictures. So if you like to have a look at.
I know how it is on a farm with cats but I think about the poor kittens. Why don't you get your cats spayed, they would have a much nicer life then having kittens all the time ! And what are you doing with them all ? There are a lot of cat lovers here in Blogville, if they discover what you wrote, I think they will all write to you and say the same !
We've had this happen with our cats. One of our cats recently lost a litter of 3 kittens because she had them too early. It was sad for the children to watch, but this is part of the life cycle when you have many animals. But it's still so sad when it happens. Did these little guys make it?
Poor kitties, glad you found them. They sure look happy all together in the hay.
Love the color of grace. She is beautiful. Are you dreaming of brown sweaters already ????
The kitties look so sweet, I wanted to run to your place and take them home! And we have 2 of our own!!! Who can resist the little darlings?
Oh I love all your animals & wish I could come & visit. The kitten story is too cute. I once had 3 bobcat (lynx) kittens that were raised by a domestic cat with her babies...wasn't long & the bobcats were as big as the adopted mama cat!! The lambs color IS beautiful!!
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