My wonderful sweet Michael and I were out driving on Friday. He took the day off and we had to go to town. On the way home, he stopped and helped me pick some wildflowers to dry for this winter. I love to see them hanging in my living room as they dry. They when they are totally dry, I take them outside and spray them with hair spray. Doing that helps them not to shed so bad. That is the only reason I have hair spray in the house, so maybe I should call it dried flower spray. I can then put them together or do whatever and make a winter bouquet that keeps color alive all winter. There is sweet annie, golden rod, iron weed, joe pye weed and the bunch that is second from the right is actually wild mint. That will be used for tea. You can see how God puts colors together. We saw large fields with some queen anne's lace still blooming along with the purple iron weed and golden rod and another yellow flower. There is the blue of chicory along the roadsides. These are all just the kick off show for the glorious colors of the trees. God really uses his paintbrush in the spring and fall. I love his palette of colors in the fall the best.
They are so pretty! We just dont seem to have anything growing wild around here as pretty as that!!
Love those wild flowers!
You have such a neat house, Marci!
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