You still have a chance to enter, but hurry. The give away entry ends this Saturday night!!
This post will stay at the top until the deadline of the give away. Scroll down past it to see newer posts.
Vision Forum's mission is to encourage families with materials that are biblically based, God glorifying and will equip families for service in various cultural battles that face the family today. To that end they created the Reclaiming the Culture DVD series. To help another family along this pathway, they are allowing me to give away an entire set of these DVD's. Please read the rules at the end and follow them to be counted in the give away.
How do you teach a shy daughter to go outside of herself? How do you gain a passion for evangelism and effectively witness to the lost? How do you answer critics who pit
Jamestown’s providential beginnings against
Plymouth’s? How do you cultivate a spirit of honor in your children?
These and other important questions are answered in Vision Forum’s new Reclaiming the Culture DVD Collection. This engaging seven-part video series — which features messages by Ray Comfort, Doug Phillips, Dr. Paul Jehle, and Geoffrey, Anna Sofia, and Elizabeth Botkin — is designed to dispel worldly myths that undermine biblical womanhood, honor, evangelism, and America’s providential history and to recapture these priorities in a way that reflects God’s Word and gives hope to our children. Watch previews online of each of the seven videos in the Reclaiming the Culture Collection.
Reclaiming the Culture — DVD Summaries
Training Dominion-Oriented Daughters
How do you teach a shy daughter to go outside of herself? What kind of toys should you give your girls? Is it wise to foster romanticism or sentimentalism in your daughters? What sort of academic priorities should you set for your girls? What about hobbies? In this helpful talk, Geoff Botkin shares how he and his wife Victoria sought to answer these questions, offering a personal glimpse into how they have endeavored to wisely raise their daughters, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth, for dominion-oriented service.
What Is Biblical Femininity?

For several generations, feminists have actively subverted godly womanhood and redefined the priorities of daughters, pushing girls toward independence and indifference for the role that God has designed for them. Thankfully, many Christians are beginning to see the futility of the feminist ideal. In this powerful message, Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin seek to explain what biblical femininity is and what it is not. True femininity, they maintain, is not based on tradition, stereotypes, or romantic images from the past. Given at the Vision Forum Ministries’ Father & Daughter Retreat, this inspirational message provides hope and encouragement for ladies young and old.
We Cannot But Speak — How to Gain a Passion for Evangelism
In the first-century church, the Apostles spread the Gospel of Christ with great zeal. When pressed concerning their aggressive evangelism, Peter and John proclaimed, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). These men were on fire for God. How can we today have such zeal in witnessing to the lost? In this powerful message, evangelist Ray Comfort shares several simple yet incredibly practical biblical principles on how Christians can get on fire for God in their daily walk.
Guerilla Apologetics for the Glory of God
Much of modern evangelism in America today is based on “feel-goodism” and trendy techniques that are contrary to Scripture. Consequently, the fruit of such efforts are minimal. While such outreach may lead to scores of “decisions,” true conversions are typically few and far between. The answer: we must evangelize as Jesus did by emphasizing that all unbelievers have broken God’s Law. In this powerful message, Ray Comfort shares how Christians can effectively witness in the trenches by starting with the Ten Commandments during their Gospel presentation, showing unbelievers that they are enemies of God for breaking His standard and thus desperately in need of salvation.
Seven Foundational Elements of a Godly Estate

Every man leaves an estate, a legacy that represents his life and labors. A man’s estate my not have many hard assets, but it will have valuable spiritual assets or destructive spiritual liabilities. In this illuminating talk, Geoff Botkin shares seven foundational elements that are essential to a well-appointed godly estate. He urges men and fathers to build providential estates for their families; to make provision for the future by investing their energy and resources into worthy endeavors that will bear much fruit over time.
The Promise: The Beauty and Power of the Fifth Commandment

Is it “well with you”? If not, it may be because there are unresolved issues relating to honor in your life. “Honor your father and mother” is the first command with a promise. In this foundational message, Doug Phillips breaks down the issue of honor and addresses challenging issues such as: How do wise parents instill honor in their children? How should children respond to perverse authority in parents? In what way are adult sons and daughters to honor their living parents? How can adult children restore honor to relationships that have long been tinged by dishonor?
The Providential Nexus of Plymouth & Jamestown

Was the Jamestown Settlement founded for solely commercial purposes? Was the Plymouth Colony formed simply to establish religious liberty? In this illuminating message, Dr. Paul Jehle clears away many of the misconceptions and demonstrates that, while Jamestown and Plymouth had real differences, each had vital strengths that the other needed — and that, over time, God would providentially wove together these elements to form the greatest nation in the West.
To put your name in the hat for this give away, please leave a comment telling why you want these and also leave an email or some way to get a hold of you. If when your name is drawn and there is no way to get a hold of you listed, we will draw another name. If you would like to be in the hat twice, put a post up on your blog about this give away and link it back to here. Then let me know that you have done that. The deadline is on June the 21st at midnight, EST. This is limited to the 50 states and Canada and to members of the United States armed forces.
Hi Marci,
I hopped on over here from RealFoodLiving. I really enjoy your blog ... and I'm inpressed that you're able to give away a complete set of the Vision Forum DVD's.
We'd love to win the draw for that set. As parents of six, we're always up for learning and these DVD's look like the kind we could really benefit from way up here in the "boondocks" of Canada.
Thanks for sharing the offer.
If you draw my name please contact me by email:
Bless you in the name of Jesus!
Oh my! What a wonderful give away! I sure would love to win, what do I need to do to have a chance? Will it be a drawing, if so please put my name in the hat.
Thank you so much, Barbara
Marci -
Michaele from real food living here - I barely knew you had a blog, and someday I'd enjoy hearing much of what vision forum has in this series, for example -
cultivating a spirit of honor in our children, raising dominion oriented daughters (I have six)
and a host of other things - but for now, I would just like to say hello!
Hello Marci,
I've been reading your blog for over a year but I don't think I've ever commented. I'd love to win the dvd set from Vision Forum as we shop there online and love their products. We have 5 daughters from 14 down to age 1 and
we need all the resources we can get to help teach them to be godly young women.
My email is
Jennie S.
Hi Marci:
I really enjoy the content of your blog, website and store! When I saw the giveaway from Vision Forum, I had to respond.
About 3 yrs. ago, Doug Phillips and a few Vision Forum guys were passing thru Guam on their way to Iwo Jima. Helen Middlebrooke, Guam Home School Assn. member and VF Advocate, managed to get Doug to speak to a bunch of us at the Outrigger Hotel here in Guam. We thought we were attending a homeschooling conference. My husband was hesitant to go because it was on Wed., a bible study night. Since our bible study leader Randy and his wife were attending, we cancelled bible study and attended the Vision Forum workshop with our Pastor and one church member (Yigo Baptist Church).
We had been praying about making changes in our church. After Doug and the other men spoke and after continued prayer, it was affirmed that we would discontinue Children's Church and become a family-integrated church. On Wed. and Thurs. nights, the children join us and have grown thru this. Doug has no idea what an impact he and his team made on our church. The Lord used them all that night. Not everyone in our church understands or agrees with the family-integrated church, but our leaders are in agreement.
Helen and GHSA member Gwen Binder showed the DVD "The Return of the Daughters" to a few GHSA families. This film convicted my husband that he had "alot of work to do" while helping me in my desire to teach my daughter to become a Godly young woman. I borrowed Helen's DVD and let my three children watch it and my daughter was encouraged by it.
My desire is to promote Vision Forum's teaching and help others to "bring things back to the way God intended them to be."
May God bless you as you serve Him!
Liz Perez
We would be blessed to receive these DVD's. We are a family of nine, seeking the Lord on how to bring dad home, and train our children for the Lord. These would help to equip!
HI Marci,
I would like to be in the drawing for the videos. Our family has many opportunities to minister to other families and I keep a supply of DVD and VHS materials on hand as loaners to help teach families to live a godly lifestyle (plus I get to watch them all first!)
Please add my name Marci! I love all of Vision Forum's products. I have wanted to see this series for a long time, but haven't had the funds to purchase it on my own. :D
Marci, After what we have been through this year Jeff and I could use a rekindling if you know what I mean. My joy has been depleated and I feel like I am just working to get through each day- this is not what God wants from me or for me and our children.
I will put a link on my blog
thanks for the opportunity..
I am particularly interested in the DVDs pertaining to daughters because I desire to raise and train my daughters differently than I was. I have many Vision Forum products and have been encouraged by them all. Please enter me in the drawing! Lisa in NM
Thanks for mentioning this on RFL Digest. We love Vision Forum and find ourselves blessed by them all the time. This series would certainly be great for our family. Please enter me!
Blessings to you.
Oh - I posted about this on my blog - addy in last comment.
I am always very blessed by Vision Forum's resources and I would love to have this collection to add to my library.
Jason D. Manion
jdmanion (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Marci,
Annie in Southern NH (from the RFD) here.
I was blessed to hear Doug Phillips speak briefly at our homeschool convention a few weeks ago. He is so encouraging and uplifting and his message is one that, in this day and age of confused gender roles and uncertain values, ALL Christian families need to hear.
As the mother of a teenage daughter who is struggling to hold onto her identity as a Christian in an increasingly hostile world, I would be so grateful to be included in the drawing for the DVD set from Vision Forum.
Caitlyn and I have recently begun a Bible study, exploring together what we as growing Christian women should aspire to. But not having had a strong role model growing up, I feel ill-equipped to teach my daughter the very thing which I am honestly still trying to learn myself. The resources included in this set would be such a blessing.
I truly believe that my husband also, who does not yet know the Lord, might be ministered to himself in some way by several of the titles.
Thank you for doing this! May God's hand pick the winner for you.
Hi Marci,
Thanks for putting another contest on your blog.
I'd love to have the dvd set to learn and share with our homeschooling community here, so please enter me in the contest.
You can find me on the homestead heaven list - you know me!
Dana in TN
I have wanted these since I first read about them. Dh and I are desperately trying to pass on our vision of faithfullness and family to our children. When we saw these we thought this would be a great resource for our family.
I am planning to ask for them for Christmas.
I also posted about it on my blog here..
I don't know how to make a hyperlink in comments. :)
Hello Marci, I would really like to enter the Vision Forum give away. I am the mom to four adopted children, one from China and three from our foster system. However, we have had over 15 children in our home over the past three years that we have parented. We have wanted this set of DVDs for some time now but it's never been in our tight budget. It would certainly be a blessing to have this information for our forever family as well as those who are part of our family for just a short while, although, most of them still consider us as a second mom and dad even after they've been gone for years. For the ones only with us for a short time we are often the first to share the gospel with them and expose them to a "real" family. You can contact me at
Thanks for such a great opportunity for families!
A friend referred me here for the DVD give-away. While I am sure they are great DVDs, I would love to win them to give to her. She is such a blessing to me and I would love to bless her family in this small way. Thank you for sharing great materials in such a generous way.
In Christ,
(hsmamafl @ gmail .com)
Hi my friend referred me to the blog for the give away. I have met Doug Phillips in person and he is great as is his family. I have considered purchasing these videos before. But due to my dh being out of work, we haven't been able to. It would be great to win them. I could then share them with others as well.
Hi Marci I enjoy reading your blog though I don't post often I would love to win a set of the Vision Forum's DvDs. I am from a family of 4 girls I'm 22 and we all could use them very much. my email is raspberri35 @
thank you
Hi Marci, could I be included in the drawing as well? I haven't heard these DVD's before, and the one that intrigues me is the one about raising daughters. Not coming from a Christian home and not having daughters, I wonder what I missed in being a mom, especially in what I am imparting to my boys in the area of being a woman. I tend to be a tomboy more than a real feminine woman, and wonder just how good that is. Thanks.z
Hi Marci!
We love Vision Forum!! We have bought books for our children from there. We would love the DVD set because we need all the Christian guidance we can get raising our 5 youngins!
Crystal Wilson
Thanks for the great giveaway! One certainly can't go wrong with Vision Forum resources. Our large family loves to glean from the Vision Forum folks, and we so enjoy sharing our resources with others. We kind of have our own library! Thanks again for sharing.
sferrill AT gmailDOTcom
Oh, how my sweet family would appreciate these! I am a second generation home-schooler, with three children and one on the way. It is a constant battle to be in this world but not of it, and though so far it appears that what we are doing is working, these dvd's would do some fine-tuning, I am sure.
Thanks so much!
Wow, what a tremendous giveaway! Words cannot express how the Lord has used the ministry of Vision Forum in my family! this set is on the top of my wish list! what a blessing!
Jen in al (blessed Wife and Mommy of 5-so far-sweeties)
Hey, Jen in al here again! forgot to post my email:
I would love to win the video set for my grandchildren. We have ten so far and hope to have many more. We homeschooled our children and now they are homeschooling theirs. It is an honor and privilege to be able to help them learn about the Lord and how to walk this journey that we're on. Thankyou very much.
We're pulling both kids out of public school this year in an attempt to get closer to God and His plan for us. I would love to win these to help us on our path.
Vison Forum has some wonderful items and these DVDs don't appear to be an exception. I think they would greatly help in our journey. Although my husband and I were saved when we were kids and were "practicing" Christians for a few years, we went through many years of doing whatever we wanted to and not what God wanted us to. We have only been truely "practicing what we preach" again for the past two years, and the difference in our lives has been amazing! In this respect, we feel like we have a new lease on life thanks to the grace of God. Though we have raised our children a different way for the past 10 years or so, we are going about this new life as a family and God is showing us the way! From the 5-year-old to the 15-year-old, we are discovering the joys of listening for God's voice and following his direction.
Wht a fun give away! We would love to win because we appreciate Ray Comfort's teachings and we are contemplating changes in line with the subjects of some of the other videos.
This is such a wonderful giveaway that I've posted about it on my blog as well. Thanks so much!
Blessings for your ministry. WHat a treasure to have...I would love to have this to be able to share with others who don't know the Lord and who may need some support in Biblical matters.
Kelly in MI
I would really like these Dvds for my personal library.
In Christ,
Christianne M. Manion
Marci, I already have these about wanted to share how inspiring they are!! Who ever wins them will be blessed!
Wow, I just happened upon your blog, which is wonderful and you are having a give-away! Double fun!
I would love to have this set, Reclaiming The Culture. We have a multi-generational vision for our family and are building up our library to aid us in our vision. Thank you for this opportunity!
My contact info is
I think that these would be a great part of a personal library. I would really like to see the Ray Comfort DVD.
Nathan Manion
Please enter me in your drawing. Vision Forum has tremendous material.
Friend of Sharri's
Hi Marci,
Sharri is a good friend of mine, and she referred me to your site. I would love to have a copy of the Vision Forum set, to have the resources to continue to teach my children in godliness.
Thank you for the opportunity you have provided to bless someone with these rich resources.
Hi Marci - how fun to find someone with the same first name (spelled the SAME!) and similar interests! I love Vision Forum products - convicting and encouraging - and these DVD's have been sitting in my VF cart for several weeks waiting for the right time to come so I can buy it guilt-free! Maybe I will be blessed by your generosity. Thanks for such a wonderful blog and giveaway.
Great to talk to you! Your friend Dana from Tennessee let me know about your blog and your giveaway.
I would love to be in your drawing for these products. I'm really cheap, and probably wouldn't purchase a whole set like this! Vision Forum has been a great source for our family (2 girls and a son a the way from Guatemala!). I've purchased a lot from them over the years and will continue to do so.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Toni Thibodeaux
My family needs more Christian media in the house! Love the Mercy Me song I can only Imagine song!
What a great offer! Thanks for the opportunity and for your blog.
mom2abcd remove this at yahoo dot com
Hi, my name is Elizabeth. Please put my name in the hat, too. I would enjoy watching these and learning from them.
My email is abemcevan at yahoo dot com.
My family is attempting to raise Godly children on our homestead in Southeast Nebraska. We would really benefit from this instruction provided by Vision Forum. Please include my name in the drawing.
Love & Peace In Christ,
Hi sweet Marci,
I am loving my new cookbook! As mom to 6, I would love to have another resource to draw upon as I strive to raise Godly adults. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
My email address is:
rstrick1 at suddenlink dot net
Oh Marci! What a wonderful giveaway! I know the kids and I will enjoy these immensely. I am looking for ways to occupy them Godly this summer.
Jo Lynn
Wow! I would love to win these! As a mother of 5...and hoping for more...this would be a great resource for our family!!
please put my name in! I would love these, I am always looking for great family resources.
Hello, is it too late to put my name in the contest? We are getting our cable turned off this month and these videos would be a wonderful resource for us.
Hey, put me in would ya. Thanks
The neighbor
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