Here is an opportunity for you to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in your life. If you have a blog, please sign Mr. Linky below and post on your blog. Please link back to this blog and you may use the picture above. If you do not have a blog, leave a comment on this post telling us what you are thankful for and what you are counting as a blessing today. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. They encourage others. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!
I am thankful for the rain. Last year we had a drought and our pasture did not grow. We had very little hay because of it. We had to buy hay 3 times in early spring. We try to do rotational grazing and it was slim pickings. This year things are growing nicely. There has not been a ton of rain, but we have had rain and we are so grateful for it. True showers of blessings.
What are you thankful for today? What blessing has God brought your way this past week? He is there everyday if we will look for Him.
What are you thankful for today? What blessing has God brought your way this past week? He is there everyday if we will look for Him.
MORNING Marcie! I too am grateful for rain. We live in the suburbs and have to pay for our water. I am so delighted to have a heavy rain occasionally so I'm not constantly having to water the plants. It has been a pleasant summer of off and on this year. Have a fantastic Monday!
We heard an incredible young woman speak on Sunday. She is going to do Bible translation to a people group in Papua New Guinea - the group currently has no written language.
I am thankful that we have a written Word of God and that God is sending out missionaries to bring the Word to those that have never heard.
Hi sweet Marci!
We have had rain for four nights in a row (and a tornado!). What a blessing to wake up to damp grass and a happy garden. I also have 5 of my 6 children home this week - that is a super duper blessing for me!
I am thankful for friends that pray for each other.
Thank you for being a friend to my daughters.
Hugs. Lisa~
I'm tahnkful to have found your blog! Great idea to count our blessings ... helps when we keep our focus.
Bless you!
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