Star and Belle go out each morning with me to do chores. Star is always checking everything out. Belle just lays in the hay and waits on me. I really miss my Dixie girl. She always went with me to.

The sheep see me coming. They head to the shed to meet me there.

This is a close up of Linsey and Woolsey. Aren't they cute?

Here are the lambies playing king of the mountain. This is Psalty, Pepper, Knit & Purl.

This is either Knit or Purl. I have to see their backside to tell them apart. =)

Here is Pepper trying to find a way through the fence to the greener grass on the other side.

These next pictures are for Ginny. =) She does not have a Wisteria anymore. The blooms are opening up and they smell totally delectable.

Hi Marci,
All of the little animals are so cute! Your Wisteria is very pretty!
I just LOVE the black lambs!
Nice pictures Marci!
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