The store now has a web page that is up and running. We are still working on putting up an online shopping cart. Until then, we can take your orders via email. You can use Paypal to pay for items at this point. Please click on the above banner and let us know what you think.
Looks good so far Marci!
It looks very nice and since I've been wanting some of the things you are/will be offering, I will continue to save my pennies and hope to visit the store soon. :-)
Very nice! Lots of nifty stuff, too! :-D
I like it. Can you get a jerky rack? It consists of a bottom pan, with another piece perpendicular to the pan, and skewer-like things that stick out from the perpendicular piece. You skewer the meat onto the, um, skewer-like things, and it hangs over the pan. The whole thing goes into the oven. I've seen one at a friend's house, but she couldn't remember where she had gotten it from.
I know my description is challenged, but I hope you know what I'm talking about. :)
I like it! It looks great!
Your online store looks great Marci! The banner is really nice!
~Have a great Friday!
How fun! I will check it out!
Good luck with your store. I hope it's all you want it to be and MORE!
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