Here is an opportunity for all of us to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in our lives. If you would like to take part great. If not that is OK too. If you would like to share your blessing, just leave it in the comments. If you want to use the picture above and list a blessing on your own site, then leave a URL to your site in the comments. There is no pressure here. I just know that I am incredibly blessed and I would like to share that and give thanks to Him who all blessing come from. This is a way that we can encourage one another. I know that I am often encouraged when someone shares a blessing with me. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!
I am grateful for the most important gift I was ever given. It is also the most important gift you were ever given. I am thankful to the Lord for sending His only Son to earth to live as a man. I am thankful for His willingness to come in such a humble form. I think of the God of the universe who has all of the angels in His command to do His bidding, coming to Earth as a tiny infant that had to have His diapers changed and be burped and be fed. He came in a helpless form. And the whole reason He came was to die. He came to live that perfect life so that He could give His life as a sacrifice and take my penalty of death for my sins. I am thankful that He offered that gift of eternal life to each of us. I am thankful He drew me to Himself and made me one of His own. That is certainly the most important gift I will ever receive.... the right to be a joint heir with Jesus and to be adopted into God's family. The right to spend eternity with Him. Thank you Lord!!!
What are YOU thankful for?
Beautiful testimony, Marci!
Today, I am thankful that my daughter and I made it through our parts of the Christmas play. It was her first speaking part and the first one I had in decades and, boy, were we a bundle of nerves! But all went well and all glory is our Lord's. Today we are relaxing and making last minute gifts and deciding what type of cookies we want to make this week, in a very calm mood. We're so thankful for these peaceful days. :o)
~ t.
I am thankful you are on fb sharing your love for God and life. I feel better everytime I read your post whether you are sharing serious or silly things. Thanks for sharing your life with us on fb. I for one enoy it!
ps. Especially right now when I am stuck at home recovering from surgery
Marci, I agree totally with you on this being the most important thing to be thankful for. He loved us even when we were unlovable. There is so much more I need to learn from HIM.
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