On Thursdays I plan on highlighting a product that we carry in the General Store. This will give people a chance to hear about why we chose to carry that product.
This week, I want to talk about a product that just came in yesterday. I have carried it in my on-farm store before, but had not gotten any to put online in the General Store. It is not even on the website yet, but I hope to put it up there today.
I am a coffee lover. I don't like flavored coffees. I don't like cream or sugar in my coffee. I like just plain black coffee and I like it brewed. I have never been a fan of instant coffee. Several times when we went camping we took along various types of instant coffee and I did drink them, but I really didn't enjoy them. Also, in my old age =) I have found that the caffeine will sometimes keep me awake at night.
Someone told me about this new drink called Dandy Blend. They wanted me to get it for my on-farm store. I found it and ordered some in after talking to the man who came up with it. He even sent me an extra canister of his product free to put in the store to allow customers to try it. I set up a little table and put my pump pot of hot water there and some cups and spoons. Many people tried it and ooohed and aaahed over it. It did smell good, but I knew it was NOT for me. Someone finally convinced me to try it. I made a cup and it sure smelled good, but I KNEW it was going to taste like some weird drink or instant coffee. I sipped it... another sip... It is GOOD!!! I couldn't believe how good it was. I had found a new warm coffee drink for the evenings.
This week, I want to talk about a product that just came in yesterday. I have carried it in my on-farm store before, but had not gotten any to put online in the General Store. It is not even on the website yet, but I hope to put it up there today.
I am a coffee lover. I don't like flavored coffees. I don't like cream or sugar in my coffee. I like just plain black coffee and I like it brewed. I have never been a fan of instant coffee. Several times when we went camping we took along various types of instant coffee and I did drink them, but I really didn't enjoy them. Also, in my old age =) I have found that the caffeine will sometimes keep me awake at night.
Someone told me about this new drink called Dandy Blend. They wanted me to get it for my on-farm store. I found it and ordered some in after talking to the man who came up with it. He even sent me an extra canister of his product free to put in the store to allow customers to try it. I set up a little table and put my pump pot of hot water there and some cups and spoons. Many people tried it and ooohed and aaahed over it. It did smell good, but I knew it was NOT for me. Someone finally convinced me to try it. I made a cup and it sure smelled good, but I KNEW it was going to taste like some weird drink or instant coffee. I sipped it... another sip... It is GOOD!!! I couldn't believe how good it was. I had found a new warm coffee drink for the evenings.

The Wonderful Neighbor little guys love coffee. They did not want them drinking regular coffee so they tried Dandy Blend. They loved it.
Here is the best part... It is GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Let me share some of the information about it.
- Tastes like coffee but has no caffeine
- no acidity or bitterness
- sweetened with its own built-In fructose
- contains all the health-Promoting goodness of dandelions
- delicious iced
- dissolves instantly in hot or cold water
- can be used in any recipe which calls for instant coffee
DandyBlend is made from completely soluble extracts of roasted roots of chicory, dandelion and beets and roasted grains of barley and rye — all herbs and grains with significant health-promoting and curative reputations.
Why is DandyBlend so good and so good for you? The ingredients are what make it so healthy. They contain so many health-promoting properties that provide what the body needs when it is needed.
* Dandelion is loaded with trace minerals and is rich in potassium, iron and calcium. Dandelion is reputed historically to be an excellent liver tonic and blood purifier, and one of the best diuretics, complete with its own potassium source. It is reported also to regulate the gastro-intestinal system and as a good cure for anemia and acne. It also has the reputation for lowering serum cholestrol and blood pressure, eliminating gas and acid indigestion, aiding in weight loss, and counteracting certain cancerous tumors.
* Roasted Chicory promotes healthy digestion. It is food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, and it is reported to increase both digestion and nutrient absorption into the blood stream. Chicory s rich in potassium, provides support to the immune system, and promotes synthesis of B vitamins.
* Roasted beetroot detoxifies and builds blood. It also renews old blood with minerals and natural sugars. Beetroot contains betaine, which stimulates liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts. It also is reputed to build red corpuscles and add tone to the blood. It is rich in phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A and C, and other nutrients. Beetroot also has a significant tumor-inhibiting effect. According to an article in the February 27, 1996, issue of Cancer Letters. “The combined findings suggest that beetrroot ingestion can be one of the useful means for preventing cancer.”
* Barley and rye are very nutritious grains and a rich source of protein and B complex vitamins. Barley is good for urinary tract disorders as well, and is very useful in fevers and all inflammatory conditions because of its soothing properties. It helps heal the digestive system and digest starchy foods, and is also good for treating urinary disorders like nephritis and cystitis.
There is more I could say about it, but you will have to try it. I bought some sample packs of Dandy Blend with this order. If you place an order from the store, I will include a sample with your order. I currently have it in the 7 oz. and 14.1 oz. containers. I will put it up on the store website today!!
I was wondering if you would start carrying it again. I loved using it for baking and such. I will have to order some again sometime. :D
Hey Marci, I didn't know that you knew about Dandi Blend! That is one really good coffee substitute. We sell it at Nature's where I work.
Nature's just found one that I like as well or better.Though I forget the name right now. :)
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