Friday, September 26, 2008

The Heavens Declare God's Glory!!

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. Psalm 97:6

I was going out to do one last outside chore and saw the skies. I had to run for my camera. These pictures do not even do the colors justice. I praise the Lord for the beauty He surrounds us with. Just think, no two sunsets are alike. They change from moment to moment.


Elizabeth said...

So beautiful!!!

Teresa said...

Oh, Marci! Those are just beautiful! I can't imagine (just like a person) how it could be much prettier. He is truly awesome to give us such beauty in our ordinary days. -Teresa

Btw, I like your new songs. I always had to turn off the volume before so I wouldn't have a crying fit every time I heard "I can only imagine." (blurry wink!)

Teresa said...

Oh, to just let you know, the link to "Simple Gifts--Allison Krauss" has a loading error and won't play. I've enjoyed listening to the whole list! Thanks Marci.


Sharon said...

God is so wonderful to give us such beautiful gifts as this each day!
Have a blessed weekend. :)

The Sisters said...

Hi Marci,
Those are great pictures!

~Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Wow! What beautiful sunsets. Our God is an Awesome God!Have a great weekend.

Pearl said...

These are so pretty. The Lord is the most perfect artist.

Dawn said...

I love it when God sets His paintbrush to work for us! He sire is a might fine artist! :)

In Germany there were some truly amazing sunsets I got captured on camera...and a few amazing sunrises as well. Sometimes I would just stand in awe.
Texas has had a few nice sunsets so far but not as nice as Germany...yet. :)

May you have a safe and happy weekend!


Anonymous said...

The boys and I worked outside last night until dark....we had that same beautiful painting across our sky. We just had to stopand praise Him for His glory! It was so lovely.

Lori said...

Isn't God good? What a beautiful sunset!

Theresa said...

Beautiful! How did you like Fireproof? We'd love to see it but will likely be doing that on video, just because of babysitting. I finally posted on my journey to wholeness blog.

Are you on the final countdown now for the wedding? :o)