Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!
I have been wanting to get some things painted for a long time. It seems like life is just flying by these days. If I can sit down and paint or play the piano it soothes the savage beast in me. =) I had some things that NEEDED to be painted and time was running out, and then something that I wanted to paint. Last year I grew birdhouse gourds in my garden. I let them dry out and then I scrubbed a couple of them to get the yuck off. I tried to cut neat holes in them with a knife, but pieces broke off, so I did the best I could. Today, I finally painted on them. I will be adding some varnish to the outside and then they can be hung up. My neighbors the Wonderfuls =) (I can hear her PUHLEEZE) children came to help me one day. They scrubbed the rest of my gourds for me. So, once I cut the holes, I will be painting on them as well. I can't show you the other things I painted as one already went home to its owner and the other is a gift and the recipient sometimes reads my blog. =) Here is a picture of the gourds.
Those are BEAUTIFUL!!! Those roses would look simply MARVELOUS on a cake server!!! ;-)
Great job, Marci! I actually like that the holes aren't perfect circles. It gives them a rustic and simple look that is all the rage right now. Do you use the "one brush" method when you paint?
Wow! They are beautiful! Great job!
Great job! You must love painting these.
Marci, I have seen your comments on many blogs I have visited but I don't think I have ever had the pleasure of visiting you until now, and I am so pleased I did your blog page is so lovely and gives me a "country feel" which is just exactly what I like.
Your show and tell is so nice the birds are going to love them and just think with winter coming your way they will be as the old Aussie saying goes "they will be as snug as a bug in a rug!" in them so you have done a very good thing in making homes for birds......your artwork is lovely too.
It has been such a pleasure to visit you today and I will be back again very soon.
Lee-ann ~ Australia
Lovely indeed. My husband grew some of the giant gords one year. We'll have to do it again.
Wow those are really homey, what a sweet touch to a garden or patio type area. What type of seeds did you buy for these? Very neat, thanks so much for sharing!!
Those are great. You are talented with your painting. I'm very impressed that the neighbor kids helped you scrub your gourds! Blessings...
The birds will LOVE them.
Those are really lovely. What a great idea.
Those are so cute! I have wanted to learn to paint like that.
You did a fantastic job on those birdhouse gourds. I too enjoy painting the gourds but I am not as talented as you are. I hope you post more pictures of your gourds.
What a wonderful project!
Great paint job, too...
Oh Marci....they are beautiful. I always love the things you paint. :)
Those are beautiful. I have a gourd just like those but alas, I am not a painter. So pretty!
You are such an inspiration to me Marci. The gourds are beautiful as is your compassion for life in general and your love to everyone all over the world. I open up your blog everyday just to get inspired. Your neighbors are the greatest too. They are also a wonderful and compassionate family.
mohician Mary
I don't have any relatives in Daytona Beach. I'm the only girl in my family. Funny to have a double though!
Omigosh, those are wonderful and what a fantastic job you did painting them! I wish I could paint like that...I so love folk art!! I love it when people do original stuff like this to put around their home:-) xo
They do look great. My kids are working on some to give as Christmas gifts.
They're so adorable!
What a great way to dress up your gourds! The girls think you did a wonderful job, too. :)
They are so pretty, Marci! You did such a lovely job!
Wow you are very talented and creative.
Very nice1 I really like the look!
Cute bird houses, nice painting! I never have painted on a gourd.
Do you plan to paint any Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween? I've seen some in stores already, cute with the curved "handle" on the head.
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