Saturday, September 08, 2007

Storm Coming In

We heard that storms were coming our way. We wanted to try and milk before they got here. This is what we saw when we went out.


Lib said...

Please send rain our way (E.Tn.) we're in a drought, our hottest summer in history.
Enjoy your blog.

Kelli said...

Wow, those are amazing clouds, Marci! We are supposed to get rain starting tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Now I wish I had gone out and looked when it started rumbling. We heard thunder, had lightning, and about one minute of hard rain.

Kim said...

Wow. Now that is strange looking.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Wow...did you get the milking done without any trouble? TN said...

Everyone is praying for rain here also. When it starts, I'm going to get out in it! Clara

Kelli said...

Thank you so much for sharing our magazine with your friends, I really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

How is the new milker working?

Marci said...

Dear Farm Wife, we did get the milking done with no problem. We really didn't get that much rain right away.

Heather, the milker is working well. It saves Michael's hands and arms. However, with clean up, we are not saving much time.

LadySnow said...

I didn't get to see anything like that! Of course...I have a lot of trees and houses blocking my view.