Monday, September 17, 2007

Pepper Rainbows!!

The above picture is the peppers that Michael and I picked over the weekend. There are a few tomatoes in there as well. I am so thrilled with how well our peppers did this year. We have all shades of bell peppers. Here in Ohio, many people call bell peppers mangos. I try to explain that a mango is a piece of fruit, but they look at me like I have 2 heads. =) The longer ones in the bucket on the right are banana peppers with some jalapenos in there as well. We shall have some colorful stir fries and fajita meals this winter. I hope to get to them tomorrow. Today is dairy day again. Plus, starting tonight and each night this week, all day Saturday and part of Sunday, we are hosting an IBLP Advanced Seminar in our home. So, I have been working today to get the house ready for tonight. I have cheese going and the cream is in the DLX as I type. I need to bake a goodie for tonight as well. This was just a sit down break, so I thought I would share my peppers with you.


Perri said...

You make me want to garden! And that's saying a lot.

Kelli said...

What pretty peppers, Marci!


Anonymous said...

How do you keep them for your winter fajitas & stir fry's? Are you going to freeze them? I have frozen peppers before, but only used them in stew as I thought they would be too soggy to use in other things.



Reviekat said...

What a beautiful bucket of peppers! What do you plan to do with all of them?

Marci said...

I put some in chunks and other in strips. Then I just pop them in a bag and freeze them. If you have excess onions, you can add that to the bag. Then when you are ready to stir fry, just dump the frozen peppers in the skillet. I may also freeze some whole with just the top cut off and the seeds out. Then you mix your stuffing, pull the peppers out of the freezer and pop them in the oven for stuffed peppers.

HsKubes said...

Oh, what beautiful colors!
I love peppers! Mmmm!

~ Christina

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your peppers are shore purty! :-D

Kim said...

Ok, yum!!

Joni said...

Marci I hope you share with us what you will do with the peppers. I always freeze mine which works well but I am always open to new methods.

Joni said...

:) should have read the above comments! Sorry!!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Fajitas....mmmmm...just had them Sunday night!

LadySnow said...

Those peppers are gorgeous. That's a good idea on freezing them so they are ready to use. :)