I am giving us an opportunity every Monday to not only count our blessings, but to share them with others. This is a way that we can encourage one another. Make a post on your blog telling us about your blessing. Please put a link back to this post. You can add the URL of your blog post on Mr. Linky below. Many of our blessings we will have pictures of and we can share those as well. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us.
Today I am counting as a blessing that we finally have our Surge bucket milker working. It has been a long time coming. Now, Michael does not have to milk the cow by hand. We bartered with someone for this milker and could never quite figure it out. Our friend Paul Yoder got it going for us. Thank you Lord for a working milker!!!
I thought I would add this little blurb on here due to one of the comments. This is an old belly pail milker from Surge. They no longer make them. The strap (called a surcingle) hangs over the back of the cow and you hook it with a metal bracket type thing. You hang the pail from the bracket. That way if the cow moves, the milker stays with her. The long tube you see coming off the pail is just air (there is some steam in it). I know it looks like there is milk in there, but there isn't. It has a little bit of room to manuever around with. I think the bucket holds at least 4 gallons. The first night we got 2.5 gallons and then Michael hand milked out another gallon from her. We need to figure out how to know if she is totally milked out or not. We are still trying to get the hang of this whole thing. =)
That is a pretty neat machine. I have milked many cows, but never with a machine quite like that. Cool! Thanks for sharing.
That's awesome that it is working!
I would be thankful to not have to totally milk her out too...thanks for sharing it with us!
Cool! I've never seen anything like it. Having an old machine that still works is every bit as awesome as knowing how to do it manually. What makes it run?
This is what the neighbor uses on his 9 cows. I have been helping him the last week or so as his wife has been laid up. Takes him about two hours for the nine cows, but at 75, I think that is pretty good.
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