Friday, September 07, 2007

Anything Is Fair Game...

Once I get in the painting mood, anything that sits still and is blank is fair game for my paint brush. =) My husband never knows what will be painted when he comes home. We have a huge wooden beam running across our living room. He has said I can paint on it, but I have not gotten the inspiration yet. I want to paint a Bible verse with some greenery or something. Anyway, I had my paints out finally. I had things that needed to be painted and I just never got around to it. Well, I finiehed all of those and I was still in the mood and....

This is the lid to my water bath canner. The canner itself got a hole in it. I now use a stainless steel pan that I have. I have painted on pot lids before. You put a little hole in them and they hang on a wall nicely. You can tell I LOVE sunflowers. They are easy to paint as well.

Then I spied my salt and pepper shakers sitting there looking oh so plain..... Well, now they have a bit of decoration. =)

I couldn't think of anything else to paint on so I went and got a pear to eat. Well, when I was done with it, where do I put the core???? Yup, in the compost bucket that looked so plain and lonely. =) I think I am done for the day.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You are really talented! Great job. I love sunflowers too!

Perri said...

WOW - I have never been able to paint like that. They look very nice.

Sharri said...

Oh Marci, you did a lovely job!
You are so talented! And Creative!

Glad to see you're using the talent that the Lord blessed you with.

Come to my house and paint away anytime.


Anonymous said...

You're not done, young lady!!! Get to painting a cake server for ME! 8-P

Betty said...

Well, I like your paintings.....looks very homey.....thanks for visiting with me.... please come again..Betty

Lori said...

What a talented painter you are.

I like how everything turned out.

Karen said...

You are very talented I would never mind you painting over my things. My faviorte is the compost, so cute!

Anonymous said...

WOW..that is just about one of the most creative things I have seen lately... so very very cute!!! Good job!! I can't paint a lick...

LadySnow said...

I always love the things you paint! :)