Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!
When we moved onto this farm, the attached one car garage was a bulk food store. They took all of their stuff when they left, but we too opened a bulk food store. Government regulations for the licensing said we had to have 4 sinks. The only things we had to wash was a huge knife I cut cheese with and scoops that I scooped out dry foods with. Anyway, there was lots of plumbing in the back corner of the store. We ended up closing the store for many reasons. The room was not really being used. We decided that we would make the back half of it a master bedroom. Since there was plumbing in the back corner and since we had a claw foot tub I really wanted to use, I asked my husband if we could put the tub in the corner of the room. It would not be a bathroom, just the tub. He agreed and then he and my son started talking about a jacuzzi tub. I kept reminding them that we already had the claw foot tub that someone had given to us. Well, we started looking at tubs. Here is what we ended up with. Now, I would have been happy with my claw foot tub, but I am also VERY happy with what I got. Anyone who knows me knows that I love blue and white gingham, checks, stripes, etc. Guess who picked out the tile? My son made our room and put the tub in. He had a friend who helped with the tile, but he did a lot himself as well.
I see a phone by the tub. I am going to listen for splashing when I talk to you from now on. ;-)
That's a great 'bath corner'. I like the blue and white tiles......I would want to have lonnng baths in your tub...your son is very talented....
How awesome is that, I adore it!!!
ahhh calgon take me away...
Looks great to me!
Ahhh..that looks like the perfect spot to relax and unwind from a long day! I love the tile too!
Looks like a very relaxing spot. Your son did a great job with the tile.
Oh what a lovely place to soak. I love tubs and bubble baths. Your son did a great job.
Very cute and creative, Marci. I love blue and white, too, though my tastes run toward blue willow china, delft, and toile prints. Hm, next time I'm in the area, mind if I drop in for a soak? Bet my tired old back would love it....especially after a drive all the way from NH! :)
We live in Louisville, and our boat is at Nolin.
Fabulous, just fabulous!
I have my towel in hand...
Beautiful! I can imagine long, leisurely baths. Aahhh!
I love that tub. It is so neat.
Ahh so relaxing. I love the blue and white.
Fabulous makeover!! I like the blue and white.
Oh how lovely! They did a beautiful job. I would have been happy with the claw-foot tub, too, but, wow, that tub is great!
What a blessing!
~ Christina
Nice tub Marci and I especially like the tile colors. Good ole Carolina colors. Also your son does good work, nice to have a
handyson around the house too!
I hope you have a good day friend.
Creative use of plumbing--and a pretty corner for soaking!
I love the blue and white tiles...looks like quite a relaxing place to be!
I remember when you were putting the tub in. It looks so nice.
I love long hot baths and you have the perfect tub.
Thanks for sharing and have a blessed Sunday.
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