Kelli hosts a show and tell Friday. Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!
For my show and tell, I want to share the blessings that God gave me on Thursday. That morning in my prayer time, I was sort of lamenting to God about how much is undone around here and things that have not happened yet. I reminded him this was my last time to try for a honey colored heifer calf out of Buttercup and we don't even know if she is pregnant. I also prayed for lambs. I have orders for lambs for next spring and my ewes have not had any lambs. We think the ram was too small to do the job.
Fast forward.... I called a friend here in Ohio to ask her something about a free download she had told me about. While I was on the phone, she said that she wanted to tell me something. She and her daughter had already talked about this and were in agreement. They had an abundance of ram lambs this year and don't have good pasture for them. They are going to give me some wethers and a ram. We had not even talked about sheep and she had no idea of what I had prayed this morning. I cried when I got off the phone with her. I emailed her and told her about my prayer.
Fast forward again... Michael went out tonight to close the chickens in. Grace, my smallest ewe was in the stall and not outside with the others. He peeked in at her and the picture below is what he saw...... A wee little ram lamb. God is SO good to us. I wanted to share my blessings!!!!

We have never gotten our milk parlor done or our stanchion set up for milking the cow. I thought I would share our makeshift area we milk in. It is a true Jeeter (we mean hillbilly by that) set-up. On the first picture you can see that there is a piece of stock panel pushed behind the barn post and then bent around. We hooked her halter to that. Then below her is a green plastic lawn chair on top of a non-working push mower. This is her hay rack. =) She seems to do very well with it all. The last picture is of the tail holder we got. She likes to swat you with her tail, if she is not happy with you.

Sweet! What a blessing! Praise the Lord!
God is good all the time. Thanks for sharing this blessing with us.
I am praying that someday we might be able to have a small farm, it would be such a wonderful experience for the kids. Thank you for sharing.
The lamb is sweet--and a definite answer to prayer. You are blesssed! Thank you for sharing.
Do you just love prayers! I love your milking area. I use to tie Diva to the boat and set her bucket of feed on the trailer. It worked great. Now I just go in the pen and milk her and Sammi while they are eating out of their feeders. We have plans for a milking shed but thats all it is right now.. plans. Thanks again for sharing your blessings!
How sweet!
They are so sweet! Praise God for answering prayers.
What a wonderful answer to prayer, Marci!! The lamb is so sweet! I had to laugh at the tail holder..what a great idea!
Oh what a wonderful blessing. I'd never be able to get rid of the precious thing now. Too cute.
I love a trip to the farm. And what an wonderful answer to prayer. Just goes to show that nothing ever surprises God. He knows our need before we ask. But He wants us to ask so we can say, "WOW!" So cool. Amen and amen. I think I just did church with you.
Isn't it neat how God knows the desires of our hearts? I write down special answers to prayer so that I can remember the great things God does for our family.
Thanks for sharing!
Mrs. C
What a neat show and tell. It was fun to see all of the animals.
You'll have to come by my site later(around noon) to check out my show and tell - treasure (which is my daughter) today.
Our God is so good to us...
I love to hear about answered prayers. Blessings on you and all your animals!
Hi, just found you on Myrna's blog. What awesome pictures. I love lambs, they are so cute!
Aren't they the cutest?
Yes prayer works! and also we call it "improvising" around here.
Have not forgot you, have been busy and not feeling as good as I would like.
Have a great day my friend!
What a special gift from the Lord!!! And, I love the pictures! I'm going to share them with my little girls... they love farm animals. Precious!
God is good. It doesn't matter how silly a prayer sounds he will answer it if it is in His will!
I cracked up at your make do milk shed. Hey whatever does the job!
Oh, the lamb is precious. In years past, we had a flock of sheep and when the little lambs were born I was
thrilled....thank you for sharing the pictures....I miss them...Please come to visit again....Betty
Awwwww! How adorable. I love your blue gingham background. How did you do that? So lovely.
This was such a blessing to me! What a wonderful reminder that God cares about every aspect of our lives. I must say in regards to your makeshift thingy for the cow, ya'll are very resourceful!There were several words used here that I never heard. I'm a city girl! Our lives seem quite different but we have the common thread of being sisters in Christ!
OHHH, what a sweet little lamb!! Thank you so much for visiting my show and tell---I am so glad you did. This is my first visit to your blog--and I just love it!!! I will be back--often:)
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