Peggy over at Hidden Haven Homestead has given me this award. Thanks Peggy!!! Now, I am supposed to give it to 5 other blogs.
Here are my 5 choices, although it is hard to choose.
Amy is Mom of 5 soon to be 6 in Florida. She has a great sense of humor and always shares what the Lord is showing her through her children.
Clara is a sweetheart. She has such a generous and loving nature. She has been a big help to me in fixing some crocheted items that I had trouble with. She shares about her family, her area of the country, quilt barns and of course she shows you lots of finished crochet projects.
Revee is truly an inspiration in a more genteel and gracious way of life. She is training up her daughters to be godly wives and mothers. She has lots of good ideas on doing things in your home and with your children.
Kelli needs to do a monthly news letter complete with pictures. She is a magazine all to herself. She has wonderful ideas on decorating your home, being a gracious hostess and doing fun things with your children. You will love her recipes.
Kansas Milkmaid is an inspirational blog on how to rely on God in all areas of life. They have a budding dairy farm and business which sells some wonderful items. I have tried her lotion, it is wonderful. She truly loves the Lord and leans on Him and gives encouragement by doing so.
There are other blogs that I read regularly, but these are the 5 that came to mind. Thanks again Peggy.
Dear Marci, what an honor to have been nominated for this award, thank you so much! Thank you for your sweet words too! I always enjoy my visit here at your place and would love to stop by for a cup of tea if I'm ever in Ohio. :0)
Thank You Marci, for thinking of me. With great pleasure, I accept the award. I read your blog daily, but don't always comment. You have been and will always be a blessing in my life. Why don't you move to Tennessee?????
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate your award and your kind words of encouragement. May God bless you richly.
Thanks Marci! I really appreciate your comments regarding my blog and for the award as well. :) Like Kelli I would gladly join you for a cup of tea!!
Congratulations on your award!!
Hey Marci.....CONGRATS on your award & I would say you are a fine winner!! I always enjoy reading your thoughts & seeing whats going on in your part of the world!
Well I have had a busy week so I have got to try & get caught up reading blogs!
Hey did you hear about the KING of The Jews...they killed Him yesterday! I heard HE was a good man, maybe a prophet from GOD. HUMMMMM!
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