My son, Joshua just got home yesterday from 2 weeks in Montana (farthest NW corner... 8 miles from Canada) helping a friend. He is going to LOVE that posted that first picture of him. =) His birthday was Saturday. He turned 23 years old. We are celebrating his birthday this evening. He is having a friend over here for steak dinner and then others are coming for dessert. He LOVES cherry pie and is not really a big cake person. We have a dear older woman we were friends with in Florida who used to make this cherry tart that was SO good, (and I am not a big cherry person). So, I decided to try and tackle that for him. Now, I am NOT a pie baker. Mrs. Weigle (the older woman) always made the prettiest food. Her cherry tart was always covered by a PERFECT looking lattice crust. Well, here is my rendition. Messy??... YES!!! Hard to weave breaking pie dough??...YES!!!! Hope it tastes Good??..YES!! =)
Yesterday our home fellowship met at our house. One of the ladies brought me the daffodils you see below. She said that hers did not get bit by the frost. I thought it was really sweet of her to share with me. One of the children brought me this fistful of dandelions. From now until it frosts next fall, I will receive many beautiful bouquets of wild flowers or flowers from the yards of the families we meet with. The children all know I love the flowers and they are so good to me!
Here are the few tulips that survived the freeze. They are sending forth their praise to the Lord. Doing what He intended for them to do and doing it to their very best in spite of hardships. Hmmm.... can we take anything to heart from that statement!!! =)
Here is a picture of the batch of kittens born last week. I believe there are 5 of them. My husband took this picture. One, maybe two of them are already spoken for.
The weather is beautiful here. It is in the high 70's the sun is shining brightly, there are beautiful clouds in the sky and the wind is blowing. Thank you Lord for sending the warm sunshine after the cold and gray winter.
Oh boy!!! What a picture of Josh. Sure he is going to love that! I am right there with you on baking pies/tarts..mine never look very good, but at least they taste pretty good. Make sure you take pics of tonight too. Wish Josh a happy birthday from us.
Happy birthday to him!
Dearest Marci, Darling,
You KNOW that cherry tart is beautiful! I don't know WHAT you are talking about!!!
In Christ,
Mrs. M.
Happy Birthday Joshua! The kitties are adorable! The cherry tart makes me hungry.
Happy Birthday Joshua! Marci, you did a wonderful job on your cherry pie, it looks so pretty and yummy!!
I want a kitty! :0)
Awww! I want a kitty!!!!! :)
Marci I posted pictures of Diva's udder. What do you think?
Happy Birthday to Josh!! I love your lattice cover on the tart. I think you did a great job!!
Love the flowers and the kittens!!
I also just read your post about the Jersey cows. We had a Jersey cow that we milked when I was growing up. She gave so much milk and she was a smart cow too. My Dad just loved her and treated her like a pet!!
Hi Marci,
Yes, I'm a Buckeye. :-)
mmmm that Cherry pie looks soo good. I love your tulips.
Happy Birthday to your baby boy!! Yes us moms can call them baby boys as long as we live!! LOL! The flowers a beautiful! Sounds like spring weather may be there to stay Marci.
Oh I forgot to say.....I dont like fruit but that cherry tart looks DOG-GONE-GOOD!!!
All of those who want a kitten, send me your address.... =)
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