Michael picked our first aspargus of the season. We had it for dinner tonight. It was so good!! I usually end up with enough to sell some.
We thought for sure we would have pictures by now to show you our new calf. Molasses showed signs early this morning that birthing time is VERY near. We are going to take the calf and bottle raise it, so we want Michael here when the calf is born because my back has been bothering me. He took the afternoon off and came home. Well, it is now around 7:30PM and no calf yet. I did enjoy the afternoon with my husband though. =)
I've never had freshly picked asparagus, Marci. It sure looks good!! I can't wait to hear about the new calf!
Wow, garden stuff already! We love fresh asparagus! Love the new calf comes soon.
I love fresh asparagus! We used to have a small patch, but I guess it finally wore itself out. But your post reminded me to start some new roots. Good luck on your calf, maybe today!
Oh, my favorite vegetable! Mmmm mmm! I even like it raw. I have got to plant some one of these days. Sorry to hear about your back troubles, Marci. You know I'll be praying for your recovery....and you know that I can sadly relate. I hope the birth goes well and she waits 'til your hubby's home to assist. One question...why are you going to bottlefeed the new calf? I hope you find homes for all the new kitties. If we lived closer I'd sure love to take one off your hands for a buddy for Calvin! :)
By the way, many belated happy returns to Joshua on his birthday!
Kelli, it is so good when it is fresh. I eat it raw when I am out there picking it. =)
Dear Kislings, that is the only thing we are bringing in from the garden besides the dandelions!!
Emily, wish you could come and enjoy some of ours. It is very good raw. We are going to bottlefeed the calf because we don't want it to learn to nurse. We want to milk the cow and have the milk for us. The 2 times we have let a calf nurse, they rob us of all our milk. =)
I think the last freeze hurt my asparagus. I hope it will shoot up some more sprouts.
I am jealous Marci...I miss picking fresh asparagus from the farm in Fredericktown.
Hi Marci, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! YES! We live on the border of the Blue Ridge Mountains and absolutely love it! The Blue Ridge Parkway or Skyline Drive runs about 10 miles away from our home. Sorry you didn't get to move to VA but when God has plans, we must follow!
Our First Asparagus
Oh my I thats great. It will be awhile before our will be ready.. I bet if I dug under manure I would find frozen ground.. lol. Brenda
YUM-O on the asparagus. I need to go to my parent's house and get me some!
New baby yet???? You should have a contest to name it!
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