We spent part of Christmas Day at Michael's parents. His youngest sister was there with her 3 little girls. The youngest was just born on November 21st. Being the baby hog that I am, I held her for a long time. I was just getting ready to go and pick her up again, when Grandma went for her and I did not have the heart to take her away from Grandma. It was killing me to be nice though. =) Her babies are all small. This one was just up to 7 lbs. She was adorable. So small and sweet and cuddly. More family came, but we did not get to see a lot of them.

Then we went to my brother's house. Another brother and his family were there and my Dad was there as well. We were playing a game called Apples to Apples. We had a lot of fun playing it. However, I now realize that my family has very LOUD mouths. You could hardly hear yourself think it was so noisy. =) Then the young men went downstairs to play their version of ping pong. They video taped their game. They would play one on one. When one person got 2 points ahead, their opponent had to put their shirt up over their face. This made it so that they could not see and also exposed their bare stomachs. Then the other guy would hit a ping pong ball as hard as he could and try to hit the belly of their opponent (brother or cousin). They would flinch and it left these round red welts. They thought this was FUN??!!?? I never did figure that one out. My son is very fair skinned and so his welts would turn to red quickly and they showed up clearer than on the others. His looked like little ring worms. They brought the video tape up to show all of us this "fun" game they were playing. That is what the pictures above are all about. The men (their dads) were laughing themselves sick right along with the young men. The women were all looking at each other in confusion wondering if they were totally missing something. They had the video go in slow motion when my son was getting hit with the ball. You could see the ball hit, he flinched and then immediatly this red welt showed up. They all thought that was really funny. I still didn't get it. I was told it was a "guy thing".
Hi Marci! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! I'm very familiar with "guy things" having raised two boys. They are definitely wired differently. We love Apples to Apples! Whenever company comes over that's what we play.
Sounds like a lot of fun. How do you play apples to apples?? I'll skip on the ping pong game. LOL
Marci, I hardly know how to relate to little girls any more! I have also found that boys never use things as they are intended to be used, and to them it's much more fun that way. I can't figure them out! Maybe I better get busy and read "Wild at Heart."
Kristi, it is a game you buy. There are about 1,000 cards. Some are red and some are green. Everyone gets 7 red cards. Then you each take a turn being the judge. When you are the judge, you pick a green card. It lists a word and then 3 or 4 other words to help you get the meaning. Like "Natural", then the other words might be unadorned, organic, unprocessed, etc. Then each of the other people take a red card from their hand that best fits that word and gives it to the judge. The judge picks which one is closest in their opinion. Whoever's card is picked gets the green card. The person that gets 4 green cards first wins. The red cards are very diversafied. It could be an actor's name, an object, something like "my friends", a place. Sometimes none of your cards seem to fit and you just have to pick one. Also, the judge can make a difference. My 8 year old nephew was the judge and the word was Odd. I put a card in that said "Michael Jackson". Everyone agreed that was the oddest card there, but my nephew had no clue who he was and picked another card. =)
Good Morning..Marci it looks like you had a really fun day..I guess I'll ask Ray if he would like to get the apple game sounds like fun.. Great pictures as always..Happy New Year..Brenda/haflinger/Ray
Oh, I don't get that boys game either, Marci! Now, I do like Apples to Apples. We played it on Thanksgiving and it got loud at our house too! LOL
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