The weather is truly amazing. Last year at this time we had temperatures in the low teens and single digits. That was really cold for this area... so they say. It has been in the 50's here all week. We did have one day of rain, but the other days the sun has been shining. These temperatures are really warm for Ohio in mid to late December... so they say. =) I always wonder who "they" are. I happen to have a personal relationship with "The Weatherman". He controls the weather and sends it as He sees fit. I think He likes to keep the earthly weathermen guessing. He also likes to send us a variety of weather to enjoy. I love the snow and winter, but I am also very thankful for this wonderful week of milder weather. It saves on our wood supply and it is much more pleasant to go out and do chores in. It is a small vacation from the cold that winter can bring. We have friends from Florida coming in January. Their children are praying for snow. We are praying along with them. I would like lots of snow the week they are here. When you live in Florida and rarely if ever see snow, it is a big deal. Snow is still a big deal to me, even though I live here. I lived in Florida for 13 years and was ready to come back to 4 seasons. I love to watch the snow come down. I love it when people come and bring their children and they build snowmen in my yard.
What is the weather like at your place?
Of course I have the same weather as you...being only 20 minutes from you. It just doesn't feel like my birthday without snow.....but I always have some form of snow in my house. ;) How come you got snow for your birthday and I didn't. =)
My son lives in Cleveland and he also has commented on the weather this year. He and his family have been in Ohio for only three years. While at home in North Carolina, he like his Moo always loved snow. Ohio
snow has changed his whole outlook on snow. lol...but he thanks the good Lord for it nevertheless. Bless you my friend.
We are having a gloomy grey sky day here in southern NH but the temps are pretty balmy for December. It looks like it's on the verge of snowing - don't I wish! I know it's much too warm for that so we'll probably get a bit of rain. I don't think I can remember such a brown December in recent history. I recall one Christmas three years ago when we had a major snowstorm. It was beautiful but a bit hair-raising since we had to drive home from my in-laws' in MA in a near white-out. I do hope we have a white Christmas. Seems a shame to be in New England and not have one. I can't imagine living in a place without the four seasons. Each day is a surprise when the real Weatherman - as you call Him - is the one in control!
Well, Marci, you can bring your friends up here and enjoy snow! In spite of the warmer temps we still have snow on the ground. It's due to the elevation, as yesterday I drove 1-1/2 hours away to the city on the prairie, and they were as dry as you are.
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