My Grandma came to live with us for a year. She was a wonderful Grandma. She could take care of herself and she was very healthy, but her memory was really bad. She would sit with Joshua and tell him stories about when she was little. She could remember that the best. She remembered some of raising her own seven, but mostly she like to talk about the days before she was married. She was one of twelve. Many of them lived to their nineties and one even lived to 102. Grandma was in her 90’s when she lived with us. All twelve of them were very short. Michael and I would go down and visit Grandma when she still lived on her own. She lived in
thing. Michael thought it was funny…. Well at least later on he did… much later on. He got a bad rope burn on his ankle.
We knew that we were moving soon. We had a garage sale to downsize our junk. We had a large carport and set up under it the night berfore, so that we would be ready come morning. A couple of friends brought some things to put in it as well. Star would not stay out of the boxes. She kept taking a pair of gloves that had been my Grandma’s and a stuffed Shamu whale that belonged to one of my friend's children. We put the gloves up high, but she ended up tearing Shamu to shreds. There were items that I agonized over getting rid of, but in the pile they would go. We had way too much stuff. The garage sale was a huge success. I felt really good about getting rid of things. Then in a couple of months, I looked around again and saw more stuff I could get rid of. God was doing a work in me. Things that I would not even think of getting rid of the first time came under that agonizing scrutiny and in the pile they would go. We ended up having about four garage sales at different people’s homes. Even though I literally cried over some items, there were only two that I truly regret getting rid of. One was a lap size loom and the other was a gum ball machine and stand that Michael had given to me. It felt really good to be free of some of that stuff. It seems to be creeping back in though.
Their goats had horns and ours did not. Their goats knew how to use their horns as a weapon. Our 2 big goats held their own with them, but poor little Shiloh was getting battered around. So, we put up a separate little pen right on the outside of the big goat pen. That way, they could not get to her, but she was with other goats. However, this really made her bond to humans as well. Joshua wanted to sell her and she was the first goat with our herd name so I wanted to keep her. We bought Shiloh from Joshua. She would always follow me around. If I sat on the ground she would try to get on my shoulders. If the children were out, she did what she could to get out and be with them. She would rather be with humans than goats. She would also get into the garden, so she was not out unsupervised, or at least knowingly unsupervised. =).
While we were there, we had another miracle incident with Ellie. One side of the goat pen was fenced with barbed wire. Out goats not being used to barbed wire, were getting nicked all the time. One of the children were always coming in to say that Minx or Ellie were bleeding. I would make my way out there eventually, but it was usually, just a little scrape on their bag somewhere that had already stopped bleeding and would be OK. They came in one day and told us that Ellie was bleeding. As they went back out, they mentioned that there was both blood and milk. I went out right away. She had ripped a piece of skin about the length of a little finger, all the way down her teat. It went clear into the milk canal. We immediately called the vet and set to work to clean up what we could. We put the strip back in place and held it there after cleaning her until the vet arrived. Now with Minx, she was so finicky that if you even looked at her wrong, she went off feed. Not so with Ellie. While the vet was stitching her she was munching away on a bowl of food. She was something else. He had to clip off the strip that had come loose. He sewed the milk canal closed first so that it was a canal again, and then he sewed the outside shut. He told us to keep her milked out, so that pressure would not break the stitches or the healing. Joshua milked her every three hours around the clock for over a week. We were so proud of him. He would set his alarm and get up through the night to take care of her. After he would milk her, he would apply an herbal solution of Self Heal and Lavender infused in apple cider vinegar. She healed so well, you had to reach around and feel the teats to see which one had been injured. She went on to milk fine on that side. Eventually you could not tell which side had been stitched. She truly was a miracle goat.
To be continued...
What wonderful memories! I love reading your stories
We've been looking forward to Part 6. I'll read it with hubby tonight after the kids are in bed. Thanks for sharing!
Loved the part about your grandmother. Wonder what makes older folks who loose their memory go back to a time so long ago?
Star was is a really neat dog. I would have loved to see the swing pulling!
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