Here is an opportunity for all of us to give thanks unto the Lord for a blessing in our lives. If you would like to take part great. If not that is OK too. If you would like to share your blessing, just leave it in the comments. If you want to use the picture above and list a blessing on your own site, then leave a URL to your site in the comments. There is no pressure here. I just know that I am incredibly blessed and I would like to share that and give thanks to Him who all blessing come from. This is a way that we can encourage one another. I know that I am often encouraged when someone shares a blessing with me. I think that many times we forget that it is a blessing to be able to breath, to get out of bed, to hold a baby... Share your blessings with us. We can share so many other things.... special gifts, recipes, let's take the time to share how God has blessed us!!
Today, I am thankful for the Mom that God gave me. Five years ago today, I got that phone call that everyone dreads. My Mom did not wake up that morning here on Earth, but in that heavenly home above. It is the hardest thing I have ever faced and still hurts so much. She is missed daily.
I take this day each year to remind people to tell the people in their lives that they love them. Mend any broken fences and make right all relationships, because you never know when one of you will be gone. My Mom went to bed totally healthy as far as we knew and never woke up. Time is too precious to leave rifts in relationships.

I am thankful today that the Lord has allowed me to awaken and be surrounded by all my children and husband. I am thankful that I have family to reach out to when I am in need. I am thankful that I can be there for friends and family when they need me. I am thankful that I get to enjoy the beauty of the day. Thank you God for everything you have ever given me and will give me. I hold You in the highest in my life and encourage others to do the same. God Bless
Marci, I'm sorry you no longer have your mom. ((Hugs)) I know the day is coming when I will lose mine as well and I dread it. I have prayed for years that my parents will go peacefully in their sleep and not have a long, suffering time before they die. A dear friend of mine recently lost her mom whom she was caring for. She had Alzheimer's and it was a horrible way to go. Now my friend is having health problems from all the stress.
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