Thursday, July 15, 2010

Touring the Yard

The weather has been in the 80's this past week. Today, it was supposed to get to 92. Currently, it is 87. I went out to check on things and took my camera with me.

We just moved the sheep back to the other pasture. We are letting have a small area of tall weeds to eat down for us. :) Look how big the babies are getting!!

I did not plant many sunflowers. I had more to plant and just never got out there. Here are some of what is blooming in the garden.

This is a Queen Anne's Lace.

I believe these are Phlox.

I have a Morning Glory Vine I have been trying to kill. It let me know, I did not succeed. :)

The Black Eyed Susans really spread this year.

The Echinacea is blooming out by the birdbath.

I got 10 quarts of green beans out of the 5 gallon bucket of beans.

Here is last night's haul. :)

The cucumber vines and squash plants are not looking too good. That is NOT a good thing. Especially the cucmber vines. We eat lots of pickles.

Hope you enjoyed touring the yard with me.

1 comment:

Sharri said...

We are like you...getting zucchini like crazy...but no cukes--and they don't look that great. :(
Our yellow squash isn't doing great either...