Our babies on the farm are growing up. The top picture is Cookies-N-Cream. It looks like he is smiling in this picture. I tried to get a good picture of Chocolate's face, but he wouldn't look at me. These two lambs out of all of them have the cutest faces. The next picture is Sir Loin of Beef. I go out and in a sing-song type voice call, "Sir Loin" and he comes running. He can suck down a half gallon bottle of milk in about 23 seconds. Jersey calves are really among my favorite animal babies. I love their huge eyes. They are so gangly and they can really bump you around looking for a teat. =) The bottom picture is the neighbor's calf that is in with ours.
I have a lot to do today. Most of it is inside stuff. I have neglected the inside since the outside needs so much work. I still have part of the garden to weed and I have to finish mulching my herb garden, but the inside has waited long enough. I have dog hair tumbleweeds, because my guys like the dogs in the house. I noticed the bathroom sink is all dirty from us washing our hands after coming in from the garden. I have kept up with the kitchen though.
Aren't babies the best!
DWR--double wedding ring
Thanks for clearing that up. That is the pattern of the quilt I use for a bedspread.
So cute! The little lamb looks like he's smiling! (The girls noticed it first. :) )
I wish we lived close by, I would come help you feed-up all them critters! I love animals & have had my share fo many different kinds. If I had things to do over..I would have loved to been a vet instead of a nurse and I would want to be a a farm vet at that. Love the names of your animals too!!
I love your babies....and I know the feeling about letting your house go on the inside. I am so far behind, I think I am in front....LOL I have worked outside all day today. I keep waiting for the rain so I can do something inside.....
What sweet babies. Calves are my all time favorite critters. This may sound funny, but I just love their teeth, they are so perfect
When I was little, some friends of ours had a hobby farm with a Jersey cow. I used to go out and just stare into her beautiful eyes! I love looking at your farm animals!
Oh Marci, how precious. Can I come over for some cuddling? I'm like you....work outdoors and the inside is a mess. Priorities! I take care of things as the weather (and my back) allow. It all tends to balance out in the end.
There is nothing sweeter than a jersey cow. I wouldn't have any other kind.
Our steer calf is named Chuck, as in Ground Chuck. : P
Your garden looks fabulous. I'm out to pull weeds tonight while the ground is soft and muddy.
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