Sunday, February 20, 2011


Eggs come in all sizes and shapes. We always love to see the weird eggs here on the farm. We got a new one this week. We have never had another one like it. I call it the carrot egg. :)

Here it is with some of our regular eggs. When I saw this it made me think of something.....

It made me think of a snowman's face. :) Then I took this picture and made this...

At first it looked like a bird until I added the mouth.

Here is a close up of the egg. You can see the wart at the end of the nose. :)


Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Marci! That is a crazy looking egg. Your post reminded me that farming is a lot of work, but there's always room for fun!

WNeighbor Girl said...

Eggactly, Neighbor, looks just like a carrot nose. We'll have to make a snowman to stick it on...

-Neighbor Girl