Today, was a day of blessing for me. Joshua dropped Brittany off at our house early this morning. The washer we have is Joshua's and they have no hook ups where they are living, so he drops her off and she spends the day doing their laundry, which I truly enjoy. Today was also co-op day. It was nice to have someone here to help me unload the truck. We then sorted the orders out and she took all of my items in and put them in the pantry or wherever they went while I did the paperwork.
My Dad and Alice gave me a bunch of my Mom's cross stitch books while we were down in Florida. I had gone through them and picked out some and I let Brittany go through and pick out the ones she would like. She had brought some cross stitching with her and she worked on that. I went up and got out some crochet books that had been my Mom's and went through to pick out a pattern. Then Ginny came by to get her order. She knew Brittany from Florida. They spent some time talking and Ginny mentioned she wanted to see the yarn I got back from the woolen mill. I got our a skein and she put it into a very artistic ball. She rolls them nice and fluffy with a center pull thread. They are works of art when they are done. Brittany held the skein for her while she did her stuff.

When Joshua comes back, they stay and have supper with us. Tonight we had egg noodle chicken Alfredo and homemade french bread made into garlic bread. Joshua was very sweet and carried several heavy items to the cars of some of the co-op ladies. After supper, she milked the cow by hand. We told them if they milked, they could have the milk. Both of them are very able milkers. Brittany milked cows in Florida. As you can see below, she has an audience of 2 dogs and a cat. Then they loaded up the truck and headed for home.
My Dad and Alice gave me a bunch of my Mom's cross stitch books while we were down in Florida. I had gone through them and picked out some and I let Brittany go through and pick out the ones she would like. She had brought some cross stitching with her and she worked on that. I went up and got out some crochet books that had been my Mom's and went through to pick out a pattern. Then Ginny came by to get her order. She knew Brittany from Florida. They spent some time talking and Ginny mentioned she wanted to see the yarn I got back from the woolen mill. I got our a skein and she put it into a very artistic ball. She rolls them nice and fluffy with a center pull thread. They are works of art when they are done. Brittany held the skein for her while she did her stuff.
When Joshua comes back, they stay and have supper with us. Tonight we had egg noodle chicken Alfredo and homemade french bread made into garlic bread. Joshua was very sweet and carried several heavy items to the cars of some of the co-op ladies. After supper, she milked the cow by hand. We told them if they milked, they could have the milk. Both of them are very able milkers. Brittany milked cows in Florida. As you can see below, she has an audience of 2 dogs and a cat. Then they loaded up the truck and headed for home.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day with Brittany!
Bring the rest over and I will do them for you.
By the way, I have never seen a prettier milkmaid.
I can "hear the happiness" in your post! What a blessing! I know you enjoy Brittany (and Josh's) company!
And, that Ginny is certainly a woman of many talents isn't she??
Did you like the job the mill did on the yarn??
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