Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Green Beans, Flowers & Friends

I finally was able to pick enough green beans that we can have them for a meal. The first planting has not done really well. The second planting will be much better I hope and pray. We could sure use a good rain.
I went around my yard and picked myself a beautiful bouquet to bring into the house.

The WN girl came over today with her Mama to give me a present she found for me. It is a sunflower salt and pepper shaker. Isn't it cute??? Thanks Fiddlin Farm Girl. Be sure and check out the beautiful aprons she makes here.


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

We had fresh green beans and peas out of the garden this week too....yummy!

The Sisters said...

Hi Marci,
The green beans look great.
That bouquet is beautiful and what pretty salt and pepper shakers!

Sharri said...

Loved your flowers--and your lovely new salt and pepper shakers--so adorable! :0)

Anonymous said...

The beans and flowers are beautiful! And what a cute little sunflower salt/pepper set.
