I received an award for my blog today from Pat. I always feel so awkward receiving an award. My blog is about so many different things and they all seem so ordinary. The history of this award is meaningful too Eric Novak came out with the Christian award Blogging with a Purpose in late April of 2007. With so many secular awards around, Eric thought it would be a good idea to come out with a Christian award.
1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.
2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.
3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.
4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to this site.
my 5 nominees are....
Christina aka the Kansas Milkmaid . She has shared so many things in her life. She shares her struggles as well and yet like in the Psalms she is always giving thanks to the Lord.
Herrick over at The Deliberate Agrarian. He has insights on many different areas of life. He shares the heritage and legacy of his upbringing. He loves the Lord and is a good steward of the land.
TN Farmgirl is my third pick. She shares her wealth of knowledge on herbs and gardening. She also has some wonderful insights into God's faithfulness that she is quick to share.
Winslow's Calling is my fourth pick. I love the things that are shared on this blog. They make you stop and think and ponder what your life is really about.
Stacy over at Your Sacred Calling. She is a good reminder of the basics that we are to be about.
There were a couple of others I would have liked to add, but will follow the rules.
Thanks Pat for thinking of me!!
Congrats on getting this Award Marci! We really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all of your Farm Pic's.
You deserve the award my friend !
Congrats on the award!
You don't give yourself enough credit...I love reading your blog!
Thanks for the comment you left on Our blog! Have a great weekend!
P.S. would you Mind if we add your Blog to Our links?...
Congratulations and "Thank You" for picking me! It is humbling to be in such company.
Congrat's on your award!!!! Godly livin w/a purpose is what its all about!
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