Here is a picture of our pond. With all the rains we have had recently, the pond is full. We have a leak in it somewhere, that we can't find. So, we are thankful for a full pond.
We are thankful for the beautiful days we have had. After all the rain and a really HOT spell (August weather in April and May), it is sunny, in the 70's and even got into the 40's last night.
We are thankful for the neighbors. We sold 2 acres to good friends. Their 2 oldest come every once in awhile and do chores for me. They were here today to help.
We are thankful for a house to live in. Sometimes, I am tempted to complain about my house. However, I am so grateful, that I do not live in a cardboard box under a bridge as many do.
I am thankful for a wonderful, kind, gentle and faithful husband. We have been married for 27 wonderful years. He has the patience of Job, and is so gentle and kind with the animals and me. =)
I am thankful for my son. I would love to have more and still hope for more. However, there are many who have none. I am thankful for the glorious gift from God of my son. I am thankful that his birth mother chose the most loving choice and did not abort him.
I am thankful for a Savior, who even though I did not deserve it, willingly came, died a horrible death in my place and made a way for me to live with Him in eternity.
If we look, there is something to be thankful about in every situation. It is not always obvious at the time. Last August, I got Bacterial Meningitis and almost died. I am so thankful for that. The night before I went to the hospital, my head hurt so bad I was not sure if I could take it. Then I started throwing up. I knew I was really sick, but still suspected the flu. I woke my husband up to pray for me. That was by the grace of God. Because I woke him up, he stayed home in the morning, to see if I would need help with the chores. The doctors said, if he had not stayed, I would have been dead. My parents live in Florida and I don't get to see them but once or twice a year. My Mom was actually in Switzerland with all her sisters when I got ill. It was the tail end of her trip. My Dad came up from Florida right away. When my Mom flew home, she flew here instead. When they would come up in the summer, I would usually get to see them alone with me for maybe an afternoon. The other times I saw them, was with all my brothers and their families. The week I came home they came every day to take care of me. I got to spend lots of time talking to them. My Mom died suddenly in October. All of us in Ohio got to see her one more time, because I was sick. I would be sick all over agin for that chance. Also, I am thankful she got to go to Switzerland with her sisters. They had never done anything all together before. They spent 2 wonderful weeks being treated like queens by my cousin and her family. That was a final gift to them. I am thankful that I got to talk to my Mom an hour the day before she died. Another gift from God to me.
I try to have an attitude of gratitude. I deserve eternal damnation, so anything above that is a gift. That means all of life is a gift from the Giver of Gifts... God, my heavenly Father.
Hey Marci,
Thanks for visiting my blog! The picture at the top is not my place - it is one of the templates available on Homestead Blogger. I ought to post more pictures, because our place is just as pretty. I'm not so good with the digital camera yet! Your post is beautiful. I can also think of many examples where the Lord brought something wonderful out of a difficult situation. He's so good to us.
New Harvest Homestead
We do have so much to be thankful for! Thanks for reminding me!
Well Farm Girl you didnt have to make me cry first thing in the morning did you?? What a wonderful prayer of praise to HIM that deserves it all & more! YOU are a blessing!
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