Bob Burney is a friend of our family. He was my parents pastor before I got married. His wife, Joy, sang at my wedding. :) He no longer pastors, but has a ministry called Cross Power. He also has a radio talk show called, Bob Burney Live on WRFD am in Columbus, OH. He is currently on a trip to the Ukraine and Russia. They are taking Bibles to Christians over there. They went into a small village and it only had one Bible. This Bible was smuggled into Russia in 1942. For many years it was the only Bible in the entire village. It was copied by hand hundreds of times. One of his hosts was led to Christ with this Bible.

Another interesting thing he shared was something he saw in a small Ukrainian village. The pastors son was wearing an Ohio State shirt. :) I am not a sports fan at all, but I thought that was really funny. Here is a picture of him in his shirt.

What a wonderful post! We should have such love of our Bibles. I can't get over how beautiful and neat the handwritten ones are.
When I read a couple of books by Brother Andrew who was involved in smuggling in hundreds of Bibles into the Soviet Union, it made me realize the same thing as you. We are spoiled to death and don't realize the huge blessings and freedom we have to be able to own as many Bibles that we want and to read them without fear of being caught by some government authority. Though the way our country is heading, we should be storing up the Scriptures in our heart if the day should come that we aren't allowed to have them. They'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands because I'll never willingly give up my Bible. I've prayed that the Lord would give us strength like those who are persecuted today for their faith in Christ and God's Holy Word.
Yikes! Can you tell I got on one of my soap boxes? ;-)
This is just beautiful.... I am making the girls copywork the entire Bible. It may take until adult hood. lol
Isalm children have to memorize the entire Koran. Amazing that most Christins can not even recent many scripture.
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