Emily is having a baby photo contest on her blog. Now she mentioned some things she is looking for in the pictures that means you were not a baby when you had them, like a flip at the end of your hair. Also, she posted several older pictures of herself. So, here is my sampling of me.
**This is edited to add the next few pictures. I finally saw what she gives extra points for. =)
My hair would never do anything..... still won't. My Mom had such a time with my hair and pictures. The little owl pin in the picture on the right was from Avon. It had perfume in salve like form in it.

I am really styling in this picture with my Dad. This would be in the early 60's.

Since this is a "Farm" blog, I thought I would post a few farm items as well. The pigs went to the butcher this week. One less chore to deal with. We are about out of pork, so this is really good timing. Someone is coming to look at our ram on Saturday. I am hoping he wants him and will take him on Saturday. Our hay supply is going to run short this year, and the more we can get rid of animal wise now, the better. The little wethers (sheep) will be going to the butcher March 19th.
Aww! How sweet! :-D
I like the mirror picture best of all.
That short skirt fit into my Mom's criteria--longer than your fingers held down at your sides. So you're okay.
I love the picture of you and your Dad. He looks so cool! Great pictures.
It was fun looking around at your blog.
Those were some classy pics! Loved the cupie doll hair.
Those are the sweetest pictures, Marci! You were an adorable little girl!
OKAY, your flip is the best I have seen so far! The cupie hairdo, can't top that one either. I think you might be the winner!
I think Emily is right... you are just adorable... no humilation factor in these photos. I like that you added some farm info at the bottom to stay true to your blog's theme. I live on a farm too, but never write about it... actually we just live on it... not farm it, so there isn't that much to write. ~Karlie
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