Thursday, January 10, 2008

Joshua And Brittany

Joshua went home with the Browers when they left. We picked him up at the airport last night. God is so good. You can already see the love between the two. They started making plans. The wedding will be sometime in October. They can talk when they want to and when they need to. They have started reading scripture together each day. The spiritual aspect is one of the most important things they need to get in line before they get married. I am thrilled to see that they are doing this. You will probably be seeing lots of posts on this topic. I am getting all sorts of questions.

The topic of beauty came up with one person. I think that Brittany is beautiful on the outside, but more importantly, she is beautiful on the inside where it counts. She wants to please the Lord through all that she does. I feel so blessed!!! She wrote something in a text message to me about her Mother and Father in love. I didn't get it at first, but then I realized that it was Michael and I she was talking about. God has brought us a wonderful Daughter-in-love!!! My cup of blessings and thankfulness are overflowing!!


Anonymous said...

That last pictures of Josh reminds me of when he was much younger.

Perri said...

The picture of them in sillouette (sp?) was really neat. I'm looking forward to reading more on this process.

LadySnow said...

I enjoy everything you share with us's a beautiful thing. :D