It was a bit foggy when I went out to do chores this morning. When I look at the fog, I am reminded of the verse in 1 Corinthians 13. Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Many things go on in this world that don't seem to make sense. That is where our faith comes in.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We have to believe and have faith that God is sovereign. I have had lots of practice with this concept. I am barren. My son is not a home-made baby, but is an adopted one. He is still the dear son of my heart. God has given me a great love for babies and children. Since I was young, I have loved babies and wanted 12. I don't understand why He has not given us anymore... yet :). However, I do believe that it has been for my good, because the Bible tells me that. I also believe that one second on the other side of the grave that I will see clearly why and will say, "Oh, thank you, Heavenly Father." To me faith is saying thank you on this side of the grave. I am 47 years old. I will be 48 in December, but would still love more children and still hope for more. With all that is going on in our lives right now, I have to keep reminding myself that we are seeing through the glass darkly right now. God already knows the end and it is for our good.

Each morning when I go out to do my chores, my dogs, sheep and goats come running. I know that a big part of it is because I am going to give them feed or hay. However, they do respond to me. My sheep are very leery of everyone else besides my husband and I and are even more comfortable with me, than him. Honeysuckle our goat loves to be scratched and brushed by us and will stand there in total ecstasy. However, if anyone else is near, she is very nervous and dances about and jumps if touched. Magnolia (in the picture above) has her head over the gate because she wants me to give her a peanut. Sometimes her lower lip gets pulled back and it looks like she is smiling at me. However, if anyone else walked in with me, she might not even come into the goat shed. They know their master and they trust us. If it is dark and they hear us out there, they stand really still listening. If we call out to them, they relax, because they know our voice and they trust. Oh, how many pictures in nature did God give to show us how we are to relate with Him. Sunday morning, I opened the Daily Bread and read it. It was a direct word from God to me. I heard my Great Shepherd's voice and I knew Him. I was able to relax and have peace in my situation. Listen for the Shepherd in the midst of your trials and troubles. Feast on the Word. He delights in answering our prayers and longs for fellowship with us.

This last picture intrigued me. I really have not seen a lesson in it yet. These are 2 of my chickens that at this time of day are either busy scratching around for bugs and food, or they are laying eggs. These 2 hens are sitting up on a fallen tree. I just thought it would make a good picture. If you can see a lesson here, please share. I am trying to be more spiritually minded. To see God in the things that are around me. To see the model He has for my life and roles in nature or the trials and troubles that come. I belive time is short. Oh, how I want to hear... "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."
Marci, you really should write a book on the lessons you've learned on the farm! Those two chickens remind me of a lesson I've been learning: "Be still and know that I am God." I'm the type of person who likes to be busy (trotting around, scratching in the leaves) most of the time. Sometimes the Lord has to grab my attention by allowing me to go through a physical trial that forces me to sit quietly and listen to Him. Like you, I will continue to praise Him during my time of trial, and pray that I learn what He desires to teach me. God's blessings to you!
Those two hens are telling me to not be down, but get up and away from the ground of this earth and get closer to the Lord and this is their way of showing me to look higher as that is where my faith is-and my needs are met. Not down here on the ground amongst all the turmoils of life.
Always thanking you for your inspiring post.
God Bless!
I agree with Emily. Be still and know that I am God. Sometimes we just have to be still and listen.
Such a wonderful post full of good reminders. I enjoyed reading the comments about the lessons from the chickens.
The chickens found the fallen tree to be a better resting place than a standing one. Not to mention the tree isn't completely on the ground. ;o) I wonder if the tree wonders why it has fallen over?
The lesson that I "see" from those chickens Marci is that many times it's not given to us to understand a situation, but merely to accept it as it "is" and know that God understands it ALL..
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