Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And The Winner Is.......

The winner of the Vision Forum Give Away is Kimberly in Idaho. She stated that she would like "The State of Parental Rights in America"DVD.

Kimberly, please email me your address and thank you all for entering.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marcie,

    I surfed into your site while googling "clabbered milk" this morning. We have a new Jersey cow and have been experimenting with clabbering milk and basic acid cheeses.

    It seems we have many things in common.

    When I checked out your blog I saw that you, too, are a Vision Forum Affiliate and ran the same give-away that we just ran. I also discovered that Kimberly of Idaho was our winner too : )

    If she contacts you, would you mind passing on that I, too, am in need of her mailing address so her DVD can be mailed to her?

    We, too, are Christian homeschoolers and have a hobby farm of dairy goats, beef cows, our jersey, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, cats and a dog.

    Nice to surf into your blog and "meet" you via the internet.

    Recording the Faithfulness and Provision of God for Future Generations


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