Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Catching Up

We wanted to make sure that Brad got to drive the big tractor. The night he drove it, we only took videos of him. He wanted a picture of himself on the tractor. So, on the morning he was leaving, Michael got the tractor out and we took pictures of him. :) He wore his official shirt on the airplane.

This is my corner garden that was COVERED in sticker bushes. I was not looking forward to weeding it. Brad went out and weeded it for me. I told him that he earned many crowns in heaven doing that.

My honeysuckle is blooming.

These next few pictures are of a small tree that is starting to get its leaves. I am not sure what kind of tree it is. I will have to wait until the leaves are out and more obvious. I thought it was really pretty at this stage.

Here are some new leaves starting to emerge. I love the new life in Spring.

I thought this was unusual as well. It may be the same thing as the above tree, just a bit farther along.

I loved this picture. They almost look fake.

I am not sure what this is. It is growing in my flower bed. It may be an immature giant ragweed. Do you know what it is?

My wisteria did not even get flower buds this year. It must have been too cold. It is still alive though.

I am not sure what kind of bird this is. I was hoping for a better picture, but this is as good as it gets. Anyone know what it is?
I have noticed the cat doing a lot of hiding lately. Here he is beside the barn peeking out at me and the dogs. Today, I walked to the big barn with Brittany. He was hiding in the grass beside the driveway.

Well, I need to get off of here and put things away. My Dad and Alice came to dinner tonight. Alice brought a wonderful apple pie. It was so good!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry on the trash comments. My blog is moderated as well, sadly.

    I love your pictures. You look as busy as we are. LOL



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