Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birds, Blooms and Sheep

Joshua is making me something for Mother's Day, but he is having trouble with it. So, he and Brittany bought me these 2 gorgeous flowers. The one on the left is a Kalancho and the one on the right is a Mini Rose. Aren't they pretty?

I also got this pot of Hens and Chicks. They are so beautiful.

My sweet man , bought me this hummingbird feeder. I love hummers and would have a whole row of feeders if I could. :)

This one was bought a while ago, but I like the way it works. Both of these are glass which is much easier to clean.

This is the first tiny buds to begin on my Bleeding Heart plant. I will show you its progress.
I wrote to my friend Rachel to ask her about my sheep. I have never seen their wool come back like this. I am hoping that there is nothing wrong with them. The lambs look great.

This is Knit and her baby Rachael.

This is one of the twins, Abigail.

Here is another picture of Rachael. Isn't she cute?

This is Woolsey and Josiah.


  1. I caught a quick glimpse of those flowers before they took them to you. They are gorgeous!

  2. Lovely flowers and we have hens and chicks here too. When we raised sheep, we don't raise sheep anymore but when we did, ours never grew in their wool like that either.

  3. Lovely flowers. Someday we plan to have sheep. Someday!

  4. Lovely flowers!

    The hen and chicks are adorable!

    have you seen any hummers this year yet?

    Let me know what they say about the sheep's wool?

  5. Yes, your Rachel is beautiful! I think it is the brown color with the little white nose that makes her so adorable. Is she as soft as she looks? I love hummingbirds too! Never tried a feeder though. Do you have to clean them often? That is what keeps me from having one-afraid I won't be able to maintain it. Beautiful farm you have there! God is so good!


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